Chapter Five (Jacob)

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So how am going to do this without it looking like I'm stalking?

I honestly have no idea.

All that I have to do is see where she's driving... Without her noticing me... Can't be too hard, right?

It's not like she's just so happened to only notice the large red truck that's driving behind her the whole ride. 

Okay, I am terrible with trying to comfort myself.

From afar, I watch Ky and the boy walk.

I don't hide behind a tree or bush like some creep.  I literally just stand there and poof, nobody notices. 

Once they make it to the parking lot, they exchange quick hugs before pulling into separate vehicles.

Ky steps into a soft gray Mercedes Benz.  She doesn't really look focused.  Her eyes drift to random areas, her lips straight.  I take this as a possible chance to step into my car.

I quickly walk towards the neighborhood that is near the high school.  My car is parked on the side of the road.  I open the door and get inside. 

For a couple of minutes, I pretend to be interested deeply into whatever is 'happening on my phone.'  The screen honestly isn't even turned on.

When I finally notice that she has started moving, I wait about ten seconds.  After that, I follow her.

Hey, I might be stalking but... At least there's a purpose to it.


After a little while, I notice that Ky is going to the direction that leads to the outlet mall not too far away.  I'd have to technically take a lucky guess since I really don't have time to do research on any neighborhoods around it or something.  I think that this is reliable.  Would a fairly popular student really go home right away on a Friday?

I don't think so.

I start towards the outlet mall, heading my own direction so Ky doesn't even suspect me at all.

When I arrive, I am blocked by caution tape and flashing lights.  There's an ambulance truck, but nobody honestly seems to be doing anything. 

Stupid humans. Just because a car got damaged, it doesn't mean that humans did to.

This literally has the Injected written all over it.

Immediately, I park the car beside the sidewalk.

"Um.. Excuse me..."


"My son could have been in there!"

I shout basically a repeat of all three of these as I am pushing through the curious crowd.

Once I hit the caution tape, I duck under it.

"Hold on, kiddo," I hear a male's voice say.  It's just a policeman.  He has sunglasses and keeps his lips in the same shape as a pencil.  He taps his fingers on a taser.  Like that's going to affect me.

"What?" I ask.  My expression is as clueless as possible.

"Can you not read?  You're not aloud to cross the caution tape.  Step back immediately."

"And you can for some reason?" I protest.

He sighs, "yes.  Under the law, I am able to access any area that presents public damage.  You can't."

"So I can't even walk near the car when clearly it just tipped over.  What are you even doing with these several hours of your life right now?  Clean the shit up.  That's all that we can do."

Injected ((RLLY FUCKIN OLD))Where stories live. Discover now