"Well I dont know...uuh. oh yeah I forgot to tell you something" Eunji said excitedly. And that worried me.

"What now Eunji?"

"I'm pregnant" Eunji said before she smiled at me and walked out of the hallway. Leaving me there by myself to process the horrific news.

Pregnant? ....

I sighed and threw my hands on top of my head as I walked up and down the long hallway.

How could this have happened? I could've sworn that we used protection! Ugkh it's over for me.


I turned around quickly to see Suzy looking at me with a worried expression upon her face.

"Whats wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing. I was just getting some air" I lied.

"In this tiny hallway?"

"Ne" I said not knowing what else to do. And Suzy stood there looking at me and not saying anything.

So out of the blue.I walked up to her and grabbed Suzy's face. Quickly placing a passionate kiss upon Suzy's lips. And she was taken by surprise.

"Sehun what wa-"

"Its because I love you. More than anything or anyone else in this world. Don't you ever forget that. Araso?" I said with my hands still cupping her face. And Suzy nodded before smiling widley.

"Come on. Their waiting for us" she said before grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the dining area.

We walked up to the table and I sat in front of Eunji while Suzy sat in front of Joohyuk.

"I already ordered for us. I hope you didn't mind" Suzy said and I shook my head.

"Ani. Thats alright. Thanks" I said and Suzy nodded.

"I hope you guys don't mind me. I'm going to be eating a lot today since I'm eating for two now"Eunji said while looking at me.

While Suzy and her friend cooed together.

"Woah really?" Joohyuk asked.

"Ne. A couple of weeks now"

"Congratulations. Who's the lucky guy hmm?" Suzy asked. And my heart dropped into my stomach. As my blood ran cold.

"Oh it's S-"

"So how long have you've known Suzy?" I asked hoping to stop any further conversation.

"Wow. Uh I think I've known Suzy since our diaper days" Joohyuk said while looking at her.

"Ne. He was the guy who taught me how to ride my bike. Not appa" Suzy said. As they laughed together. And I chuckled as I glanced back at Eunji. Who was just sitting back and smirking.

"Foods here!" Suzy yelled.

I looked up to see a waitress sit down all of our foods. I slightly bowed to her as I dug in. Trying to avoid all conversation that had to do with Eunji.

How could she be pregnant? I remember putting a condom on.

"Sehun did you hear that?" Suzy said looking at me.


"Joohyuks having a party on Friday and he invited us. We should go" Suzy said

"Okay can I invite people?" I asked.

"Sure. The more the merrier" he said.

"Okay sure we can go" I said quickly before sipping my beverage.

"Sehun are you okay. You seem upset"Suzy said.

"Ani I'm okay. Just tired" I said.

"Are you sure that's what it is? You were just fine a second ago" Eunji said taunting me and I could feel my blood boil.

"I said I'm fine" I murmured

"Hahaha. Well that's obviously a lie. Tell the people what's wrong" Eunji added. And I lost it.

"I SAID I'M FINE!" I said slamming my hand on the table. Which made the dining room become silent.

With everyone looking at me like I was crazy. Including Suzy and her friend.

I stood up and walked outside. If Eunji wants to tell Suzy. Then she should do it. Because I can't. Not like this.

I paced back and forth in front of the restaurant with my hands in my hair. I wanted to scream so bad. But it took everything in me not to.

How did my life become so screwed up.

"Sehun you know this isn't solving anything" I heard Eunji say from behind me.

"Get away from me" I said not looking at her.

"I didn't tell her"

"Why not? You seemed so excited to earlier" I said.

"Ani. I just like seeing you squirm. But I want you to do it. So when she finds out. She can look at you with hurt eyes. And a painful face expression. Reminding you that your the reason for her discomfort" Eunji said. And I could feel myself tear up.

I looked at Eunji in disbelief.

"Why?" I asked with my voice cracking.

"Because I love you silly" Eunji said while smiling.

AMNESIA->>Exo SehunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora