Ep.123.14 NORN9

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~Episode 123.14~

NORN9: Norn + Nonette

Studio: Kinema Citrus x Orange

Premiere: January 7, 2016

Genre: Fantasy, Adventure

Airtime (GMT+9): Thursdays at 21:30

Episodes: TBA


NORN9 begins with a shouta named Suzuhara Sorata (Abe Atsushi) and a girl named Koharu (Fujimura Ayumi) as they're staring at a giant ship as it begins to descend upon them. Suddenly, two guys bust out, ask a few heated questions, and take both of them on board. Once on the ship they discover a handful of other kids who have some sort of special power, and that the ship is headed to somewhere where their powers can be used for peace instead of destruction. So, skipping past the awkward introduction and into some specifics, apparently the world has experienced World War IV and in order to "reset" things, it was decided that the world needed to be blown up and recreated. To accomplish the reset part, the higher ups decided to distribute the "powers" needed to recreate the world to psychic users until the time was right. These psychic users are NORN9′s crew and whom the story follows.

Own opinion:

CALLING ALL OTOTOME GAME LOVERS OUT THERE!! Its finally here, Norn 9 is here!! We've waited a year for this after the rumor of its anime adaptation. I haven't played the game even though I wanted too, I couldn't find a free english translated version of it. Based off an otome game, you can expect the general idea of routes and flags as the main girl attempts to go for the various guys throughout the ship. So this will be another shipping war!!!

Rank: 4.8 over 5 stars

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