Ep.48.1 Durarara!! x2 Ten

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~Episode 48.1~

Durarara!!x2 Ten

Studio: Shuka

Premiere: July 4, 2015

Genre: Action, drama, supernatural

Airtime (GMT+9): Saturdays at 23:30

Episodes: TBA


Durarara!!x2 Ten is the second of three seasons this year, and picks up right from the end of . The recent gang war and incursion by Russian assassins have died down, but those were just skirmishes in the grand scheme of the chaotic Japanese district of Ikebukuro.

Own opinion:

Being the second sequel of an old title, Durarara!!x2 Ten is probably the kind of series you either have already decided to keep watching or you never got into and aren't. I'm hoping x2 Ten really gets the ball rolling so I'm really hyped with the new season! And I'm sure everyone is since all of us was left hanging in the previous sequel...so let's hope hope and hope that it will be a great ride for summer 15!!

Rank: 6 over 5 stars

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