Ep.62 Signs that You're A Yandere

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~Episode 62~

Signs that you're a yandere

{ATTENTION: Before I start I want to warn you that you don't have to agree in everything I said. This is based on my/ and my friends' opinion. So please don't get MAD at me if you're not satisfied with what I said.}

Yandere characters are sweet on the outside, but have a crazy, obsessive, and sometimes deadly side that they hide.

So...Are you a Yandere?

1. You are 100% cute

People love you, and you have many friends. You are 100% cute, not only in appearance but also the attitude. "I'm Yuki, nice to meet you. Hope we can be friends!" (Such a good first impression, right?)

2. At first glance, you look harmless

People adore you and think that you're some kind of princess that they need to protect from harm. They think you're a very harmless kitten...

3. You are completely devoted to your love

You will do anything for the person you love. Bring them food, do the chores for them and other things you could think. :))

4. You check on them from time to time

Checking them form time to time...For example is checking them in social medias like facebook or twitter or here in wattpad...like every minutes or seconds...Checking them...yeah just checking... "I just want to know what you were doing..." (more like stalking that checking)

5. You are suspicious of the people around your love

"Who was the girl you were talking to just now? Are you cheating on me?!" you easily assumed that he/she is cheating on you even thought "that" person only asked for something -_- In short you get jealous easily.

6. People think you are a little crazy

A little crazy...yep only a little...

7. You'll protect your beloved from anyone or anything

Even if it's just a freaking bug!

8. You don't take rejection well

You hate rejections or scared to it...(This is definitely me)

9. You hate to be alone

You don't want to be alone and wants attention. Specially to your beloved (This is me again XD)

10. Your reactions can be extreme

It can be when you're surprised or when you're scared or when you're happy...Just...your reactions are extereme ^_^ Something like this: (‡▼益▼)

11. Blank eyes and Creepy laugh

You can master this one...specially wen you're angry or happy ^_^

12. You love standing out in the rain

Enjoying the rain or simply thinking many things while in the rain. It's to add effect in your emo moment//whispers//

13. You will never admit to being controlling

"Nah...I'm not controlling...It's not like I want to keep you and make you live in a cage in my house..." //gets a tool and starts building a cage//

14. You are very loyal

You'll never cheat on your lover...you'll tell him/her everything. Even the brand of knife you're collecting.

15. At the end of the day, your love is to die for



So are you a yandere? If you show any signs of this, comment #AniYandere below ^^

(Note: This is purely for fun, please don't take everything seriously)

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