Summer 2015

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~Episode 48~

Summer 2015

It's here everyone! Finally a new set of anime is here! Summer 15 is one of the most anticipated season this year since it contains many promising anime.

From the famous Durarara x2 ten or even the third season of our favorite Working!!! And I'm pretty sure, fangirls (and maybe fanboys too) are excited to watch the third season of Junjou Romantica and the new Hetalia!. So I'm really excited now and without further ado, let's start the review for the set of anime I'll be and planning to be watching this season.

{WARNING: I will only the review the anime that caught my attention and the one that I'm going to watch so plese don't get mad if the anime you're anticipating isn't here. Don't worry since if it's not here just write it in the comment and I'll review it for you.}

Here are the list of anime that I'm going to review:


Durarara! x2 Ten, Working!!!, Hetalia!, Junjou Romantica 3, Charlotte, Gakkou Gurashi!, God Eater, Gangsta

*A little bit excited...just a little bit ^^

Ao haru x Kikanjuu, GATE, Classroom Crisis, Shimoneta, Akagami no Shirayukihime

*50/50 feeling

Ranpo Kitan, Joukamachi no Dandelion, Rokka no Yuusha, Prison School

<3 (Click ecternal link to see the greater view of the chart)


This was supposed to be Top tenfunniest anime duo but nah...June is almost over so it's time to review new anime! Let's do this!! It's SUMMER 2015~! XD

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