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The city is alive by sunrise as the day to celebrate the birth of their beloved Heir Prince has finally arrived. The day is a kingdom-wide holiday, as are all the birthdays of the royal family. This day has always been the symbol of hope. The Heir Prince, as well, is a beacon of what could be, and for sixteen years, they have kept up the tradition. As a lover of history, Felix knows his past and the many legends that came before. He knows the power of his own birth, and he has never once taken it for granted.

Felix weaves in and out of shops, always smiling and waving at people who recognize him, nearly everyone. The king and queen often let their eldest son wonder the city, for there is always a watchful eye. He has never felt threatened, but he knows that if danger arose, Ivory would be there before anyone could even make a move. Felix hates violence and is always eager to keep others from it, usually lending a hand, an ear, or just words of wisdom. He makes his rounds through the city square and stops to hear the recounted tale of his birthday all those years ago. It is a rather comical play, as his father's actor stands defiantly against Rowley and his mother swoops in to save the day. Felix laughs along with the others, but his mind is playing his own version.

Since that day, Roland Castian was given a chance to be better than his father and gifted the title he had been preparing for. Callan Digory has been kept under lock-and-key in the deepest cell in Sarkin, though his parents often find time to visit her even when she doesn't want them to. His cousin, Nikolas, was sent to the Valiant City in Pramor to undergo training. He quickly rose in the ranks to become the new general of Sarkin, giving Ivory a much-needed break. Now, she focuses on the royal family rather than all of Sarkin. Everyone else he only hears about in letters or tales from his great-grandmother when she visits. For all his life, she has been one of the links between Sarkin and Vrinian since the royal and noble families are forbidden to cross borders. Felix knows that his father has been working hard with the other royals to remedy the situation

Morith had been the first kingdom of the three to be freed from confinement. The other kingdoms had granted it after both Vrinian and Sarkin pleaded the case that Morith was neutral and had remained so until Rowley Castian crossed into Morith borders. A case was made that Morith was only acting in defense. All that is left is for the other kingdoms to agree to let Vrinian and Sarkin be free from the treaty as well. Morith has been free for three years, and the noble and royal families are allowed to travel as they like. The only relief Vrinian and Sarkin received is that their citizens can cross borders, but those with royal or noble titles cannot.

For today though, Felix is content with being with the family he has. Making his way back to the castle, Felix says good morning to everyone he passes and those he recognizes. He makes sure to ask after families and such. He is the first to arrive at a spontaneous ceremony, after his parents, of course. He loves his parents, but he adores his younger siblings, each special and unique to him in different ways. Jasper is the second eldest and brighter than all the siblings combined. He can always find a way out of anything, regardless of what it is. Aohlee is the middle child and rebel princess at heart. If someone tells Aohlee that she can't do something, especially because she is a girl, she will do it even if it kills her.

Raleigh, the fourth of the siblings, is the peacekeeper. Felix may be the glue that holds them together, but the youngest brother is the one that keeps them all sane. Despite being only ten years old, most of Felix's wisdom has been given to him by either his parents or Raleigh. Lastly is little Jocelyne, or Josie, as the family calls her. Felix may be the kingdom's hope, but Josie is the kingdom's heart. She is the Sarkin darling, a gem in the making. All the siblings look remarkably similar, though the only visible difference is eye colors. Felix has a mix of his parents' brown and blue, by having hazel. Jasper has their father's brown eyes, and the younger three have their mother's blue eyes. Felix, as well, is the only one that has their father's curly hair.

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