Chapter 19

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Captain Zircon Argos of Emberhelm, Vrinian


The new captain struggles between work and home life. The day was going well, and he even managed to get Marnie outside to the gardens and tour the town. He started asking questions, but she refused to answer. He would try a different approach, but sometimes it wouldn't work. "Where is my dress, Zircon?" Marnie questioned in a monotone voice as they passed by a dress shop. Zircon had suggested that perhaps a new dress would make her feel better, but Marnie had just given him a flat look in return.

"The one from the ball in Sarkin?" Zircon questions while observing Marnie as she nods. "It is put away. I could sell it if you like...or burn it."

"No!" Marnie turns on him so suddenly that he flinches back. It is an outburst he hadn't seen coming. As if remembering they are in a public place with prying eyes, she calms down slyly and continues walking. "Mother made that dress." Of course, this brought up new questions, but Marnie refused to answer them. It hits him then that he has more questions from things she says than questions he already had, and she won't give answers. He stares at her, trying to understand and read her like he used to do, but she mentally blocks him like a door to his face. Zircon believes that if he only knew what she had been through, perhaps he could understand and help her heal, but she won't let him in. He doesn't understand why she won't. What could she possibly be afraid to say?

Zircon had already decided not to take her to the house. He knows Marnie and in her fragile state right now, learning that he moved on with his life after she was imprisoned might be something they can never move past. Of course, he wants Marnie to meet Grace as they are sisters now, but it would be too much. Grace is in too delicate of a state to deal with the stress of worrying over Marnie, and Marnie would scream at him for being so careless as to put Grace in such a delicate position. For now, Zircon decides it is just easier to focus on Marnie than to bring up his own problems.

"Marnie, please." Zircon tries to grab ahold of her hand as they walk, but she pulls it away swiftly. "Won't you tell me what happened? Won't you tell me something at least?"

"I can't." His sister shakes her head, with black hair falling into her face. Her blue eyes look alert and afraid.

"Why?" He persists. "I just want to understand. I want to help you." Zircon believes that if he asks enough, she will give in, but so far, she hasn't.

Marnie's gaze darts around her as if searching the surroundings for an enemy. She is trying to see if the Tyrant King has spies watching her. This puts Zircon on edge too. Eventually, she looks at Zircon with a near glare and stops walking. "Because anything I say, you either won't believe, or you will use it to hurt him. He isn't who we were told he is."

"You are right. I don't believe that." Zircon nods while thinking that her statement is the most bizarre thing he has ever heard. The Tyrant King isn't a tyrant? He nearly laughs out loud at the thought. "Give me one reason...tell me one thing that makes you believe that he isn't who we were told he is."

Marnie doesn't even hesitate. "He took me to see Topaz."

Zircon is caught off-guard. He didn't know what answer she would give, but he never thought she would say this. "He took you to the Church in the Mountains? Why? When?" The questions in his mind are endless, but he settles that it must have been a means of turning her to his side.

Marnie starts walking, and Zircon stumbles to try to keep up with her. "For our birthday. He knew I couldn't be with you in Emberhelm, so he took me there."

"But you could have been with me if he had let you go." Zircon states the obvious, but Marnie doesn't bite. "Why did he keep you so long? What use could you have been to him? Why didn't he let you go?"

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