Chapter 15

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King Elyas Andry of Sarkin


"What do you think?" With a giddy smile, the Sarkin King glances at Marnie staring in awe at their surroundings. "Surely you have been to a Fall Festival before? Does Emberhelm not have one?" She shakes her head while taking in the creative and colorful decoration lining the city. Seeing the Silent City itself is enough to be in awe but seeing it in full celebration mode is an entirely different experience. Nestled on a small island between the two rivers that split Morith, the city is one of Elyas' favorite places to visit, though he has not been here in quite some time. "What do you want to do first? There are carriage rides, dancing, games...."

"Do you not need to make your presence known to the King and Queen of Morith?" Marnie questions after somehow finding her voice. "Isn't it customary to do so when visiting another kingdom?" It has been several months since their trip to the Church in the Mountains, and every day Elyas is thankful they went. To hear her talk to him is one thing, but to see her let her guard down is another. Maybe she doesn't even know she has. The servants have gotten used to her helping out, but she only does so every once in a while. She no longer hides in her room when guests arrive, but rather ventures out to make them feel welcome and not as a servant would, but as a guest herself.

"Right." Elyas agrees while remembering that as a king, he does have priorities. "First, we will see the King and Queen, and then we shall have fun."

"We?" Marnie pulls up short when he starts heading towards the towering castle. "But I am nobody. They don't need to meet me."

"Nonsense." He reaches back and takes her hand in his and pulls her along to the castle. "You are my guest, and I brought you to this festival. I am not leaving your side even for this." Elyas tries to ignore the small detail in which he just grabbed her hand, and she hadn't pulled away from him. Time has changed them, their relationship. At first, she hated him, and then she didn't. They became friends, but now thoughts enter his mind that perhaps they could be more. He tries not to think about it and just enjoys what time he has with her.

Elyas will never forget the day Marnie officially met Ebonash. In a surprising turn of events, she forgave his dragon. She has been gentle and patient with the creature, just as she has become so with him. She still gets nervous around him and feels out of place, but there are times when she fits so well into his world that he can't imagine her not in it. He enjoys every second he has with her. He makes it his mission to spend as much time in his day with her. Over the past few months, he has started to notice that she doesn't look over her shoulder anymore. She knows she is safe, and that makes him happy.

The castle rests at the center of the city, and as they enter the main gates, they join the masses of people going to greet King Jonathan and Queen Lena Lail. The castle is packed with visitors, and the Great Hall is full when they walk in. "King Elyas Andry of Sarkin and Guest." As his name is introduced, whispers weave through the hall as the cheery chatter falls silent. Elyas has known the king and queen since he was little and knows them to be fierce allies. Morith is a neutral kingdom in the Sarkin/Vrinian feud, and he is glad that they are so. If the kingdom turns on him and joins with Vrinian, he could be flattened within weeks. He now realizes the severity of the situation, and he has brought Marnie right into it. Should they discover where she is from, or ask her too many questions, their minds could be made up.

Marnie gives a low curtsy at his side, revealing that she is of a lower rank than they are. She is silent and polite but offers an ever-present kind smile. Marnie glances at him, and he has come to understand her glances. She is worried she will mess up and make him look bad.

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