Chapter 16

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Duke Antonio Fairmore of the Imperial City, Vrinian


The prince stands at the front, with many eyes set upon him. He hates the attention, but if it gets him to what he wants, then he will endure it for the time being. It helps to know he isn't alone upon the landing. At his side is the princess of Khaerid, standing with her hand resting in his while the priest bellows something in Latin. He can feel her fingers trembling, and he gives them a brief squeeze, letting her know that he feels the same. They are in this together, forever now. Tia glances up at him and her eyes shining with certainty.

Speaking the necessary words loud and clear, there isn't a single doubt in his mind that marrying Tia is the right decision. He has made many wrong decisions and knows he will make many more, but he will make fewer with Tia's reasoning ways. She is everything Antonio ever needed or will ever need. It didn't matter what he wanted in a future wife. God gave him what he needed. He just hopes he can be the man that Tia needs in return.

"I now name you man and wife." The priest rings out with a resounding voice. "The Duke and Duchess of the Imperial City."

The first to congratulate them are the King and Queen, Dominic and Jessamine. He is grateful that his wedding to Tia was not as grand as his brother's wedding. It is too much pomp and circumstance for either Antonio or Tatiana. Still, necessary traditions had to be played out. Certain guests were invited, though there were a few that were unable to attend. Neither Zircon nor Aquamarine Argos made it to the event, though he couldn't blame them.

The day's events have been lost to Antonio, as his nerves keep him from processing too much, though he understands now that Tia is his wife. He never thought this day would come. He never thought he would find someone who could ever love his faults, but Tia does. Beautiful, clever, spirited Tia clings to his arm as a wave of well-wishers sweeps past them. There is a tight embrace from his mother and a stiff nod from his father.

Dominic and Antonio have spent little time with their father over the past few months. Since Dominic took over Vrinian, their father has been waiting for him to start a war with Sarkin, which his brother is determined not to start. Antonio knows that Dominic is trying everything in his power to smooth the lines between Sarkin and Vrinian. He wonders if Marnie is trying to encourage the Tyrant King to smooth things over as well. Knowing her loyalty to Vrinian, he doesn't doubt that she would try. Marnie is fierce and stubborn. When he last saw her in Morith, she has an understanding with the Sarkin King. If anyone could manage it, she could. Her presence in the Sarkin castle is becoming more widely known, and he fears things could turn ugly again if Zircon tries to take Marnie back by force. Things must be done diplomatically rather than rashly.

Antonio turns his attention back to his wife. How strange that sounded to him, and yet it feels right. He whispers something in her ear, and she smiles while looking up at him. "Finally." She replies with a soft laugh, and he kisses her with all the joy and happiness that he feels.


King Elyas Andry of Sarkin


A soft voice in the dark room pulls at his mind. He almost didn't hear it due to the raging storm outside the windows. The rain pelts the glass, and the cool drops fog the windows due to the castle's heat. Elyas can't help but feel that this storm is a warning. The voice calls again, and he turns his face towards it as lightning flashes into the room.

"Marnie." The Sarkin king mumbles. Even his voice sounds tired. He focuses on her, though she looks like a ghost. However, not in the way that Ivory looks like a ghost. Ivory looks entirely too natural in a mysterious way. Marnie, standing there now, looks as if she doesn't exist at all. "What are you doing awake?" His worry causes him to focus more closely on her. "Is it the nightmares again?"

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