[IMGN] Jin Finding Out About NamGi

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It has been a month since me and Namjoon we're in a situation.. I mean, we haven't break up. It's complicated. I blame it on my possessiveness and my bossy attitude that take Namjoon to get off the cliff. It's been a month since he decided to put as up into a cool off, of course I didn't agreed, but he really want us to. Now, we haven't seen each other since that day. And now I decided to stop this conflict and to restart a new. 

Now, I'm going to the mall to buy some ingredients for my cupcakes, I wanna send it to Namjoon even he doesn't wanna see me. It's suppose to be our anniversary but, I'm really trying hard to find a way for us to be back together.

I was at the grocery looking at the  layered pile of canned milks as I carefully read the expiration date, I don't want Joonie to have a bad stomach if I made him eat my cupcakes. *sighs* I was so optimistic that he'll be glad to fill his stomach with these sweet chewy stuffy cupcakes that i'll be cooking just the way he like it.

Suddenly I heard some voices that passed across my back, a couple that seems so cute and happy together. They remind me of us, back when we're not complicated. I didn't bother to look coz I'm too focus on my  reading of these milks expiration dates. Until someone ruined my focus on my reading.

"OH SORRY! My bad. My boyfriend is so clumsy. He broke the grocery basket handle. Hehe, I'm really sorry.." the voice said.

I was about to say it's okay, but when I face this couple I was surprised that the guy who's holding the basket was Namjoon. I was so shocked that my jaw literally dropped and the can in my hand I'm holding. And accidentally hits on the head of the guy who was crouching down to pick up their groceries.

"OUCH! That hurts! Darn..." the voice below exclaimed.

Not giving a fuck to the guy below me, mine and Namjoon's eyes were locked to each other in shock like we saw a ghost infront of us.

"J---jin.." Namjoon whispered. I shook my head, telling him to shut up. This is enough.

Tears were about to gush out of my eyes while bit all my lips inside. Not knowing what to say after I heard the guy below me calling Namjoon as his boyfriend.

Suddenly this guys who's busily picking up their groceries finally stood up and caught us staring to each other.

"Uhhh--do---do you know each other?" as the guys confusingly asks us.

Namjoon flustered to look at his new better-half while looking away from me.

"Yeah---No---yyyy" Namjoon stuttered.

"Yes. We know each other." as I hold back my pain and starts to speak up in this very awkward situation.

"Oh really? Ahhh... Heheh Hi, I'm Suga--Namjoon's boyfriend.. You must be..."

"Jin.....I'm Jin." as I fakely smiled.

"You can have my grocery basket if you want, I changed my mind, I was thinking not to continue my grocery. I was about to bake cupcakes for my boyfriend for our anniversary, but it's all clear to me now. I guess I just wasted my time. Here."

Suga accepted my grocery basket with a confused expression. Namjoon was blank.

"Ohh, Suga. You and Namjoon make a great couple, hope he won't hurt you like he  hurt me right now. I need to go. Nice to meet you both. Bye Suga....goodbye....Namjoon."

I draw a smirked at them and turned my back then walked away. He's such an idiot for wasting someone like me to a guy like that. I shouldn't waste them my tears. They're not worth it.


The End

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