⭐️Some News!!⭐️

Start from the beginning

Its clear to everyone how they feel for each other. But do either act upon it? No.

But suddenly, everything in the world seems to be against them. In fact, the universe seems dead set on keeping them apart...


Okay so that was the first one...


**Girls and Guys Can't Be Just** ***Friends... Can They?***

"Hi I'm Melanie" I smiled sweetly.

He smirked at me and rolled his eyes. "Don't bother trying darling"

My smile faltered a bit but I didn't let that stop me.

"Don't bother trying what?"

"To get me into bed" He smirked again.

"I wasn't"

He laughed. "Well girls and guys can't be just friends"


Melanie is a guys girl. She has mainly boy friends and would be right at home playing on an Xbox. Although don't get me wrong, she has no problem doing all the girly things as well.

Most guys value her as a great friend to have because she's willing to be friends and give them an insight and understanding of the complex labyrinth of the female mind; something that very few guys have ever done successfully.

But when she meets the one guy who refuses to be friends because it simply "isn't possible", she makes it her mission to befriend the mysterious bad boy.

It soon becomes a war and with every war, there are casualties.

So that was number two...

And this is the last one...


********My Summer Story********

Caitlyn Ward is 17 years old.

After she discovers her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend, her parents force her to move down to the coast to live with her stuck up and sophisticated Aunt and her cousin for the summer; to prevent her doing something she may regret.

Convinced it's going to be a summer filled with fancy events, endless dinner parties and snobby, upper-class people, she's not looking forward to it. Although at least she won't have to bump into either of them.

But all is not as boring as she originally thought when a handsome young man enters the equation. It becomes a summer less ordinary!

But after all, it is only a summer. So what will she do when she has to leave her new friends behind?


Okay, so those are some of my new ideas.

Can you please comment which one you would like me to publish first. And please let me know if you like the sound of them. I would really appreciate it!

Anyway, like I said, have a great 2016 and I hope it's your best year yet!

Love to you all ❤️❤️❤️

B- Xx

Its A Kind Of Magic (Previously 'Deciding')Where stories live. Discover now