➳ 59: stay

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“IF you really think about it, Jeremy leaving is for the best.” Caroline remarked as she walked around her car and over to the newlyweds, who had been roped into helping her set up Bill’s cabin. “I’m sure everything around him reminds him of Bonnie, and Elena’s always wanted to protect him from vampire drama. Granted, he is going to art school, where the percentage rate for a well-paying job is one of the lowest in the country---” She started to judge then quickly changed her tune so they wouldn’t get the wrong idea. “But I really am happy for him.” She nodded her head, sending her blonde hair bounding with the movement, then threw her hands up in exasperation. “Okay! What’s up with douchey sunglasses?”

“I’m still adjusting to sunlight.” Stefan responded gruffly, squinting his eyes even with the pair glasses on his face, and scoffed when Caroline gave him an incredulous look. “You try living in complete darkness for over seven years.”

“Readapting is always the hardest part.” Efah commented sincerely, rubbing his back in encouragement.

“Do you think you packed enough?” Stefan questioned Caroline mockingly as he gestured to the series of boxes in the trunk.

Caroline rolled her eyes but smiled regardless. “The whole point of this is for my mom to live out the rest of her time here in a relaxed and peaceful environment surrounded by the things that she loves, like photo albums and board games.”

Stefan pulled out a box, rummaging inside to see what she had decided to bring. “The Anthology of Shakespeare,” volumes one through 12?”

“All the books that she’s never gotten around to reading.” Caroline defended her decisions with a pointed expression.

“God, Shakespeare is such a fucking prick.” Efah commented knowingly as she started to stack boxes in Stefan’s arms. “Here you go, honey. Gotta work that strength back up.”

He gave her a condescending smile and narrowed his green eyes into a glare. “Hmmm. Thanks, babe. I appreciate it.” Stefan expressed sarcastically, bending his knee to shift the boxes in a more comfortable position.

She placed her hand on his face and patted at his cheek with a taunting smile. “Of course, kitten. Always here for you.”

He stuck his tongue out in a childish manner before heading toward the stairs to the porch. Suddenly his cell phone started ringing away in his pocket and he tried to grab it but found it impossible with his hands full. Flattening his lips, he turned toward Efah, who waited for him to ask for help. “Do you mind getting that?”

Nodding her head, the archangel walked over to shove her hand down into his pocket. Instead of grabbing the phone right away, she made it a point to move her fingertips through the thin fabric to brush them against his dick. Stefan gave her a mixed look and clenched his jaw while she giggled, finding herself amusing. She finally stopped messing around and pulled his phone out with a wink.

Caroline noticed the caller ID from over Efah’s shoulder and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “Um… Hmm. Why is my mom calling you?” She demanded to know then snatched the phone from the Salvatore wife and answered it for them. “Are you going behind my back for information?” She questioned her mother’s motives, walking ahead a few feet away from the couple.

Stefan took advantage of Caroline’s lack of attention to scold Efah in a hushed growl. “If you keep playing around like this, you’re not gonna like the odds.”

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