➳ 44: black hole sun

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EFAH returned to the house in Savannah, Georgia while Stefan decided to stay in Whitmore for several reasons. He decided to turn Enzo into a vampire hunter and show Elena how he has fun in his new life. She walked through the front door and flipped on the foyer light, finding an ancient looking phone sitting on the kitchen counter with a sticky note on the brass bell.

Tossing her keys on the hooks, she shut the door and walked toward the machinery in the kitchen. She took the sticky note off and read the message scribbled across it.

Dial 9.

- Gabriel

Efah crumbled the note up, disposing it in the trash so Stefan wouldn't be able to find it, then gently picked up the phone and carried it up the stairs to the office she shared with Stefan. She set it down on the desk and slowly lowered herself into the office chair. Staring emotionally at the phone, the archangel clasped her hands together. She placed her finger in the rotary, spinning it until she landed on the digit labeled 9.

Efah pulled the bell off and hovered it over her ear, listening to the line ringing loudly against her eardrum. The noise stopped after two rounds and was replaced by an all too familiar male voice. "Efah?"

"Damon?" She greeted him in a small whisper, blinking her eyes repeatedly to force the tears back.

"Yeah, yeah. It's me." Damon Salvatore responded quickly, his voice cracking at the end with happiness and relief. "I am so glad to hear your voice."

"I can't believe I'm hearing yours right now." Efah remarked in disbelief and shook her head slightly to herself. "I got your letter." She informed him, pulling out a folded piece of paper from her pocket. Undoing it, she read the short letter once again.


We're not alone. There's someone else in here with us.

- Damon and Bonnie ♡

"I need you to fill me in." Efah requested while dragging a notepad across the desk and reaching over to grab a pen.

Damon then began to explain their situation. They were trapped in that prison world with Malachai, the same Malachai from the newspaper article, from the Gemini Coven. There was a way out according to Malachai but it took a Bennett witch, the eclipse, and a magical trinket called the Ascendant. As Damon rattled on the new information, Efah was scribbling quickly along the paper in front of her to make sure there wasn't anything she missed.

"Listen, I've got to go. I'm gonna find a way to get you out. I'm leaving the house which means I won't have the phone so there's no reason to call." Efah explained sternly, hoping that Damon wouldn't make the mistake of calling while she was gone. "I will call you. Do not call me."

"Alright." Damon snapped in agreement. "I won't call. Jeez."

"Shut the fuck up, Damon." She growled out in habit then smiled to herself. "Be careful out there."

"We will." He assured her and paused for a second before speaking again. "Oh, Bonnie says hi." He reminded teasingly and hung up the phone without another word.

Efah hung the bell back in its spot with a heavy sigh. She stood up from the chair and stuffed the note pad into her pocket. Folding the letter up again, she hid it along with the other one before pulling out a small tote bag. She grabbed her modern cell phone and dialed a number, holding it her ear as she tossed a series of items into the canvas bag on the bed. Once they answered her call, she smirked mischievously to herself. "What do you say to a road trip?"

Devil in Disguise ➳ S. Salvatore [COMPLETED]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα