➳ 46: to mend what has been broken

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EFAH barely got any sleep that night. She lied alone in their bed, staring at the wall in front of her in a numb trance as tears involuntarily fell down her face like a slow trail of sadness. Eventually her mind gave up and she drifted off into a dreamless sleep, an escape from the reality waiting for her in the morning.

Stefan was restless, tossing and turning all night long. He was unable to find solace in the darkness. He was lying on his back, staring at the ceiling with heavy eyes as thought over what had happened.

He wasn't ready to admit that it warmed his heart when he realized how much she had been doing and how hard she tried to get Damon back from the prison world. Lying quietly on that couch had given him time to go over every detail of the issue. There was no doubt that Efah loved him or the lengths she would go for him.

His cellphone buzzing on the coffee table snapped him away from his thoughts and pulled him back to the world around him. He reached over to grab it, answering in a groggy manner. "Hello?"

"Hey, Tripp Cooke. I, ah, just wanted to thank you for turning over that vampire Enzo to me. He's been very helpful." Tripp emphasized from the other line.

Stefan sat straight up on the couch, his mind racing in panic. "Enzo? I-I thought, thought you were supposed to kill him."

"Oh I will, eventually. Once I know everything he does." Tripp explained darkly.

Stefan moved his lips as if he were trying to something else but then thought better of it. "So, what has he told you?"

"Sounds like the vampire problem in Mystic Falls isn't as bad as I thought, I mean if he had any names he'd have given them up." Tripp answered, clearly frustrated by Enzo's lack of cooperation. "Lord knows I've done plenty of things to get him to talk."

"Well that's um, good to hear." Stefan commented stiffly, his eyes darting around the room.

"Yeah, seems like it's moved on to Savannah." Tripp informed in genuine concern causing Stefan's heart to sink. "I've sent some of my guys down there, they're gonna check it out, see what they find."

"Thanks for the, uh, heads up." Stefan expressed his appreciation awkwardly as he thought over a plan for Ivy.

"Founding families, gotta stick together." Tripp claimed ina friendly tone of voice.

"Absolutely." Stefan agreed before hanging up the phone and rubbing his eyes from stress. He heard a banging around in the kitchen and stood up from the couch to investigate. "Efah? Efah? Ivy?" When he rounded the corner, he found the house trashed, chairs lying broken on the floor and glass everywhere. "You redecorated." He commented while gesturing at the mess. He slowly approached the refrigerator where Ivy was digging around inside for something to soother her insatiable hunger.

She turned around to face him with blood caked along her chin and an irritated expression. "I should probably tell you I killed your boss. Dean?"

"He was a dick anyway." Efah remarked dully as she walked down the stairs, kicking the debris out of her way. "You did the world a favor."

"Yeah. I woke up and he was burying me in the woods, I drank every drop of his blood. It wasn't enough." Ivy breathed out ravenously.

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