➳ 15: stand by me

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DAMON was pacing back and forth anxiously. "How'd this happen?"

"It was Katherine. She must have been following us this whole time." Stefan explained with a pained expression on his face.

"What about the cure, or Silas?" Damon asked, throwing his hands in the air.

"Gone." Efah responded im aggravation with an exhausted look on her face. "Poof." She motioned with her hands and rolled her eyes. "Just like Katherine."

"Where the hell is Bonnie?" Damon snapped stressfully.

Stefan shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea. She went looking for Jeremy last night. She never came back. Damon, Elena is in there waiting for the Gilbert ring to bring Jeremy back to life." He brought to his brother's attention.

Damon paused in his spot then nodded. "Okay, fine. I'll wait with her." He started walking toward the well opening but Stefan put up a hand to stop him.

"Damon, listen to me. Jeremy was one of the Five, a hunter." Stefan explained sadly.

Damon looked past him with wide icy blue eyes then nodded slowly. "He's supernatural. The ring won't work anymore." Then he paused and looked over at him. "She won't survive this. I'll find Bonnie. You get Elena off this island."

Back the Gilbert house, Caroline was scrubbing the floor when the door opened and Elena walked in. She stood up and smiled at her. "Hey, you're home. I was trying to clean the burn mark where Kol-- " She stopped when she noticed Stefan carrying Jeremy, his body wrapped in a blanket. "I couldn't get the spot out." Stefan shot her a look and shook his head a little.

Elena turned to the Salvatore and headed toward the stairs. "Come on. Let's get him upstairs." Stefan then followed Elena while Caroline stood in her spot, immobile from shock.

Efah walked into the house with her phone held up to her ear. Caroline turned toward the angel and began speaking in her usually quick manner. "Efah, what happened?"

Efah held a finger up to the vampire and sighed heavily, clearing frustrated by whatever conversation she was having. "Luci---" She began to scold but suddenly stopped. Her face turned up into a bitter smirk and she placed a hand on her chest. "So you expect me to drop everything and return home because some woman is waiting for you in California and you can't be bothered to stay home for a minute?" She asked incredulously and shook her head with a humorless laugh. "No. Listen, this is going to sound stupid but I can't leave yet, it's not safe. I'll explain more in detail but I need you to back me up." She pleaded softly then growled when there was no response. "Luci? Lucifer?" She called out to him and pulled the phone away from her ear to see that the call had ended. "That sly motherfucker hung up on me."

"Efah." Caroline attempted to get answers from her again and the brunette mused lowly in acknowledgement. "What happened?"

Efah was typing rapidly on her phone while responding in a dull tone of voice. "Katherine trailed us and sacrificed Jeremy to Silas. He's dead. And I don't mean the wake in a few hours dead. He's gone."

Caroline's eyes widened in horror and she began dumping a bucket of water into the sink when Stefan walked down the stairs. "How long has she been like that?"

"Ever since we found his body. She hasn't said anything except that she's waiting for him to wake up." He explained while entering the kitchen.

Devil in Disguise ➳ S. Salvatore [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now