Ch 27 - Invation

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"Casey, you've lived around here, what do you know about this place?" I barked as my mind raced with a plan of attack.

"Umm, I just learned it existed so there's a start." He replied sarcastically. I shot him up a glare and he immediately backed down.

"El, what do you have?" I asked standing and backing up against a tree blocking the camps possible view of me. El turned and joined me silently.

"We could break in," Tad suggested. "Have one of us create a diversion and make them open that gate, then the rest of us sneak in and break Nina out."

"That could work..." I mumbled "Whoever makes the distraction is gonna have to get caught by them though, possibly killed... Probably immediately..." I thought out loud.

"Then the rest of us will hide until we find out whats happened to them, one way or the other." Casey added. "Worse case scenario we pull ourselves out and only break out Nina. Best case scenario, we come out with all of them-the one we sent in, Nina and those guys."

"Then it looks like we have a plan. I'll get them to capture me, you guys wait around the corner, when I start to make a second diversion once inside, sneak in, and don't let them see you." I said. Tad and Casey gave me a 'duh' look at the last part. After a moment of silence accepting that we may all die, we looked around at each other and nodded.

I buried the backpacks in a bush, stacking up leaves and dirt around it. I marked a nearby tree with a sharp stone then pocketed it just above my thin pocket knife Crystal had once been jealous of. I wondered if she would still want it if it's previous owner was deceased? I made a mental note that if I ever saw her again, I would make sure she took it off me when my recklessness became the end of me.

Sighing, I gathered up the team one last time before putting our risky plan into action.


I screamed on the top of my lungs and pounded on the door to the village. A small amount of worried chatter began to rumble from inside. I silently prayed that zombies wouldn't get to me first.

"We're all gonna die! We're all gonna die! There gonna get us all I tell you! The zombies will kill us all!" I shouted louder than I ever had before. Hopefully this would worry someone into shutting me up. After a solid minute, the commotion inside began to grow and grow in panic. People inside began to yell for people to calm down before I head some gears moving close to the door.

A half a dozen men stood in the swiftly opening gate and quickly grabbed me by the arms. I fought back as hard as I could as the began to drag me inside. As they dragged me though the gate they began to close it again.

Thinking quickly (or not at all, in the moment I couldn't tell the difference), I opened my mouth and bit hard on one of the men's wrists. He howled out in pain as warm blood began to gush into my mouth. It was quite honestly the grossest thing I've ever tasted. It was worse than the time I traveled with my mom and her sister to Eastern China and ate frog legs.

I felt someone yanking my waist away from him screaming. I felt my teeth pull against his wrist bone and begin to make a spine chilling noise that echoed through my head. Finally, the team that had been closeting the gate rushed over to help. Ironically, I was happy about them finally ripping me off the guy, after of course, I had seen my team sneakily rush through the gate and blend in with the growing crowd.

Once removed, they tied my hands together with strong sandy rope and gagged me tightly with a cloth. Just before knocking me out with a rock over the head, they turned a wheel to close the gate without any sign of a break in.

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