Ch 6 - Home

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He walked over and past us glancing back for a moment to see if we followed. We did. Once up the stairs, there were five doors spread evenly down the dark short hallway. One at the very end that was black in small contrast to the other four dark brown doors.

At the first one to the left, he stopped and opened the door. "El, you like?" El nodded and went inside to check it out. "One at the end is the bathroom." He told us. As he walked away from El's new room. We stopped again at the end as he pushed in the door to the right.

"And for you and Nina. Sorry you'll have to share, although you might want to I guess. Crystal is across from you guys, and me and Lane are down the hall. Come to any of us if you need anything okay?" I looked up at him into his eyes and forgot to breath. Regaining my thoughts after a minute I nodded and stepped into my new room. Turning away quickly so he wouldn't see me blush.

"We gave you this one because it's got a crib and everything, it was in case a guest came with a baby."

"What happened to the rest of your family? Did they turn?" I asked, immediately regretting it, "Sorry I probably shouldn't have..."

"No your okay, they didn't. They umm went out to town then about an hour later we heard about the out break on the news and they... They never came back." He looked over his shoulder pretending to be checking on El. "How about you? Are they okay or..?"

"They all turned, except Nina's mom, Nina and I. But Nina's mom was bit by mine, I took Nina and got out of there." I explained, towards the the end he looked the saddest I had ever seen him, even in the short amount of time I had known him.

"I'm sorry, did you have to... You know..?" He asked slowly. I shook my head.

"No, I didn't kill them, couldn't bring myself to." I told him bringing a bit of light to his eyes agin. He nodded and turned to leave. "Wait," I said suddenly, causing him to turn again. "I-I... Thank you." I said, shocked that I could speak.

Quickly, I slammed the door behind me and leaned against it. A moment later I heard his soft footsteps click, click, clicking, down the hallway. I breathed out another sigh of relief, then allowed myself to take a good look around my new room.

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