Ch 15 - Desisions

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We ended up tiring the three up and locking them in the bathroom. We tried to decide what to do with them. El was dead set on having them join us, they knew were we were and could attack us again if we let them go. Tad said there was no way he could allow a girl that tried to kill his girl anywhere near me. They tried to get me to decide once and for all, but I couldn't do that to anyone. It could set us all in danger wether they were here or not.

By the time Crystal, Casey and Nina got back with more flowers than firewood. Nina was certainly enjoying that however. I took Nina upstairs to play with Mojo in Crystals room while El filled in Crystal and Casey about the matter. Even from upstairs and down the hall I could hear Tad getting yelled at for his protests to El's point of view.

Finally there was dead silence. Only broken by Nina's tiny giggles. I waited upstairs for their final verdict. After what seemed like hours light footsteps slowly stumbled up the stairs. The handled turned a bit as the crack in between the door and its white frame and black walls opened. I leaned against Crystals dark bed frame as Crystal came and slowly joined me. There was a long period of silence again as she searched for the right words. Finally she found them.

"Do you think they could ever really join us? And not try to hurt you?" She asked quietly. I nodded. Lying of course, but trying to show the three of them mercy. Who knows? Maybe they really will come around eventually.

I'm still a really good lier. Even to Crystal, who in the short period that has know me has gathered more information about me and my life before, and after this all happened than people that have known me my whole life.

She smiled, and nodded. She looked insanely pleased with herself. Nina looked over at her smile and copied her.

"Hey Nina, do you want to help us with something?" Crystal asked in her Nina voice. Nina nodded enthusiastically. "We have some people that might join us, but we don't know if they should or not, what do you think? Do you want them to come with us? We'll all live right here." She nodded as she talked to her, obviously trying to influence her answer. My guess was that they all were against each other and had to get a four year old to help them. I thought the older kids were supposed to stop the four year olds from fighting?

None the less Nina nodded just as fast as Crystal did. Adding yeses and yay!s every now and then. Crystal smiled smugly again, then got up with much more bounce in her step than when she had entered. She waved and hopped out the door to tell the others how she had won the debate. Nina yawned and stretched widely.

"Ready for bed Nina?" I asked her smiling at how big such a tiny person's yawn could be. Her eyes got droopy. She mumbled something about how excitement makes her tired and stumbled towards me, grabbing on to my shoulders like a baby koala. "Let's get you to sleep, you've had a long day." I said picking her up.

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