Ch 13 - The Past Comes Back

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The next few days were all extremely quiet. We had a short funeral for Lane the next day, from what I understood from Crystal's sobs, he died a few minutes after Tad and I had left. Mojo was constantly licking everyone, waiting for our spirits to rise. El made the two of them leave while he prevented him from turning. At the funereal, everyone whore their darkest clothing. Crystal was the only one able to find something black, she looked practiced in the art of crying by the time she stopped days later.

Tad and I didn't tell anyone flat out what we had said to another, it didn't seem appropriate in all the mourning going on. Crystal must have guessed it by now, because every time we're in a room and tad comes in she up and leaves. Unless she's still mad at him for walking out. But that dosent seem like her.

I was rinsing off the spoon I had just used for a can of discounting beans when Mojo ran up to me, wagging his tail and whimpering. I set the items down in the sink with a small clang and dried off my wet hands on the towel above the sink.

"What's wrong boy?" I asked him in the stereotypical dog voice. He whimpered and let out a small bark. Jerking his head to the front door a few times, I walked over and looked out the window. Just the normal porch and the normal yard. I looked over at Mojo again who still wined and ran from window to window. There was obviously something out there. But at the moment I was alone in the house. Crystal and Casey had taken Nina to get fire wood and make toys, El and Tad went to grab some more duffel bags. Who knows how long it would take them to get back?

I bent down to my knees and gently petted Mojo's head to calm him down. He sat in front of me, still whimpering.

"Go lie down boy, it's okay, go on." I said to him, pointing to upstairs were his doggie bed was. Reluctantly, he staggered up the stairs on his old legs. A few moments after he disappeared, I heard a loud thunk by were Crystals room would be in perspective. She always left her door open for the sweet dog. The two of them love each other.

I turned back to the door and opened it to look out it one last time to make sure it was clear, only this time it wasn't. Right in front of me stood a girl I knew. A girl I hated. A girl that hated me. How she had survived I had no clue. She was shorter than I was, her hair as falsely brown as spray paint gone wrong. Her skin was tan, as if she still had time to. Her dark eyes glowed, a gun in her hand, cocked and pointed at me.

Two girls stood behind her, both taller than both of us and both strong. They both had light brown hair that looked real, but if I knew anything Angel made them look as closely alike as possible. I hadn't seen them before, they were probably picked up somewhere along the road and 'taken in' by Angel, making them feel like they owed her. The one on the right had her hair up in a high pony tail, a band pulling it back. Her eyes were huge, popping out of her head almost. Like she was high on adrenaline. She held up a large knife in my direction.

The other had her hair cut at her shoulders, straight as needles. Everything on her face was small, small nose small eyes, small mouth. It's a wonder you could see her tiny hands that held a gun smaller than the one Angel held to me.

I wasn't worried about the other two hurting me, they probably didn't have the guts. Angel must have told them it would just be a threat. That they wouldn't really do anything. But I knew better. I knew Angel.

She would stop at nothing to destroy anyone who crosses her once. Let's just say we never really got along. You could also say I liked giving her a taste of her own medicine. As in every time she gave anyone any. She could never get to me however, I had to many people protecting me. Her whole social status would have gotten demolished if she laid a finger on me. Not anymore. She smiled evilly.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite little cockroach?" She scowled.

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