Ch 1 - The Beggining.

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So I guess it all happened out of the blue. No one was expecting it. It just happened. Well if they were expecting it, they didn't tell me. Which they should have. I get really excited when this stuff happens. But this time I think it was preeminent. I guess I should probably tell you what I'm talking about huh? Well let's just say, those movies you see about zombies or 'walkers' aren't real. Not completely any ways. In those movies, you can't capture the horror of them quite right, and most importantly, you can't capture the fun of them.

Yeah I know what your thinking, 'Zombies?! Fun?! This chick's crazy!' Well that all might be a bit true, but hear me out, if you know you won't die, or get arrested, or publicly judged then wouldn't you want to let out some of your anger by hitting around a couple corpses? In my old town, the state genetically engendered a couple of Zombies to do just that.

It worked really well for a little while, until of course, some idiot insisted he didn't have to be checked for an infection after fighting it out in the small football-stadium-sized arena where everything was safe. Then the next idiot let him leave, basically, he infected most of the people in my town. Then the tourists that were leaving before anyone found out, took it worldwide.

Radios and all communication have been down for a week now, I personally haven't had to fight any for real yet, I found a small group of four that has a few people that seem to know what they're doing. I think they're just show offs.

El, a huge buff guy with tan skin and dark hair who is in his late thirties always is trying to show off to Frakii. Of course she takes that as a challenge and goes on right next to him, running around trying to hit them with her long black braid that cascades down her back having fun. It might be the single most hilarious thing I've ever seen; second only to little Nina giggling about it all.

Nina is four, she was my niece when it all started, she was just barely getting off formula and on to extra-processed baby food. She never really was the fastest developer. Not even close thanks to her mother grasping at any tiny thing to hold on to Nina's babyhood for as long as possible. Nina has light blond hair like mine, only hers is cut at her shoulders, were as mine is just down to my elbows. Her teeth are just coming in, the front two are the only ones really qualified as teeth really. I'm just glad she was over visiting when it happened.
It all happened so fast... I remember playing the newest game on my phone like any other sixteen year old girl, when suddenly screaming came from the kitchen. I had run in to see what was wrong, half annoyed the other a mixture of different worries and conditions. That's when I saw it. My mom, sinking her teeth into my Aunt Beth-Nina's mom. Time stopped. My mom's skin was much grayer than usual, darker more in some areas than others. Her hair was falling out as she shook violently. Blood spewed out of her teeth as my aunts neck veins got caught in her teeth. My aunt was screaming, her eyes rolled back into her head matching my mom's. She fell limp. Only then did time seem to start up agin. I looked around the kitchen, my Aunt Beth had dropped the sharp knives she had been holding to cut the steak they were preparing. They had eaten steak for the past two days. I hadn't, I was a vegetarian; full time. I grabbed it quickly, avoiding any blood stains on the tile floor, I heard another scream behind me as I started to run back out. Nina. I wiped around agin to see my mom now going for Nina, hands in the air, waking steadily towards her. I raced back through the kitchen and hopped over my aunts fallen body.

Pushing my mother aside just as she put her first hand next to Nina on her high chair I went to stab her in the head like they had taught us, just in case. I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill my mother. I shoved her down to the ground a knocked the heavy cutting bored on her to weigh her down. I turned and grabbed Nina, checking for any injuries. I thanked the Lord there were none.

Everyone else in my family had turned. I wasn't able to kill any of them, even if I knew it would put them out of their misery. We had traveled down the street in search of anyone still alive. We searched for five days. Only finding the crazy couple, who quickly adopted us into their little house. They were in the small superb that was now completely empty thanks to them. They had gathered most of the supplies from the houses to, food, water, a bit of medicine. But no baby food. Lucky for me and Nina, they had set up a hold for burning stuff in their living room.

Mashing up carrots and veggies in a bottles worth of boiling water proved to be a difficult task, but it's better than Nina not surviving. If Nina hadn't been there for me while we were alone, I might have lost all hope in finding another living soul ever again. And if she left me any time after? I don't know what I could do.

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