Ch 17 - A Fight

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I looked down at the hand still covering my mouth, I decided I would get out of that as soon as possible. I slowly lifted my jaw as they tried to pull my back into the hall and eased their middle finger in front of my teeth. Quickly I bit down as hard as I could, pushing them back away from me and turning around quickly. I pointed my knife at them before I could think of what else to do. Once my eyes focused I noticed the reason he had stopped me. I quickly lowered my knife and rushed over to Tad who stood in front of me holding his middle finger looked shocked. Mojo was behind him with his tail between his legs whimpering and rushing into El's open door.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know it wa-" I whispered only to be cut off by him.

"It's fine, at least we know you won't be kidnapped." He said shaking his hand. "It's not safe down there. We're trying to wake up El. He snores louder than we can afford to shout at him. Will you come help us?" He asked worriedly. I shook my head to his shock. I glanced back towards the stairs and quickly he understood.

"No. You can't. I won't let you, it's not safe! You could get killed." He said quickly. I shook my head again and stepped back towards the stairs. "Wait! If you won't change your mind I'm coming too." He said joining me on the stairs.

We creeped down the stairs silently. I had seen enough zombie documentary and taken enough emergency classes to know exactly how to take one out. You have to get the very center of their skull. I remembered my professors telling me 'It's best if you hit them from the side' and with our short knifes that was best anyways. As soon as we got to the bottom of the stairs our cover was blown.

"Hey look Angel! They came to save us!" Rachel yelled pointing to us. At that moment nearly everyone-and everything- in the room was starring at us. I swore under my breath at the same time Tad did. One of the zombies limped over to us loudly, attracting the others quickly. I maneuvered my knife into my hand so the blade poked out between my pointer finger and thumb. With a small grunt I implanted the knife directly into the center of its skull. It fell to the ground as I pulled the blade out, a small splatter of red squirted onto my arm. Tad copied my actions with much confidence.

I forgot were I was for a moment, I got too caught up in majoring sure Tad was doing okay, one of the zombies grabbed my still-extended arm and drew it close to itself. Quickly I kicked him square in the chest, knocking him over onto a another one. I jumped on top of them and held them down under my foot. I first killed off the top one, then the bottom one.

Swinging around to face Rachel and Angel I saw them struggling to keep one at a distance. I rushed over and jumped up onto the couch, yelling for them to watch out I threw myself down on top of the zombie attacking them, planting my knife deep into the top of its skull. An explosion of red covered my face and the ceiling above us. A clamor down the stairs was loudly heard as El, Casey and Crystal came to make sure we were okay.

El killed off the last one remaining in the room next to him as he looked around at us. Tad had two of them fallen down at his feet. He looked between me, El and the two. Eventually he looked pleased with himself and landed on El.

"So... I slept through this..?" El asked us. We nodded. "Where's Rilee? And Nina?" He continued the questions. I looked behind me to Angel who was rolling her eyes and Rachel who studied her shoes like a collage nerd.

"Sh-sh-she... We couldn't save her." Rachel confessed looking up at us after a minute of shock. She looked down at the zombie I had just killed. I gasped. I killed Rilee. Well the undead Rilee.

"We'll hold a funeral if you'd like Rachel." El said softly. She shook her head. "If you change your mind let me know."

"But what about Nina? She's upstairs right? I heard her crying earlier, before we saw you out in the hall." Crystal told me. I nodded.

"She woke up and started crying. I'll go check on her, be right back." I said pushing past the three of them blocking the stairs as they continued the conversation behind me.

Once in front of my door I suddenly got a terrible feeling something had happened. As I pushed open the door, I realized I was right. Nina was gone.

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