Chapter 9

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I drove my car fast this early morning to get Alice some hot soup from any restaurant at 7 AM because she needed it. Alice has been struggling from flu and fever since last night. We tried to make her soup but I guess it didn't work out.

I left her with Riley and Toby at home. Unfortunately Mom and Dad were out of town until maybe this afternoon. So I decided to go and figure it out.

"Con?" Riley rang my phone. "Think I know what she needs."

"Hmm? What is that?"

"Sweet treat. Anything sweet. Remember she hasn't eaten anything but plain soup and hot milk? I guess her energy's draining out."

"Right!" I breathed out. "Thanks bro. Hang in there. I'll get something the best I can."

I turned right on the next traffic light and made my way to this restaurant my GPS led me. Pretty cool. They're a 24-hour service. Quickly parked my car and ordered some stuff.

"I'd like to have a chicken soup, and 3 cheese burgers for takeaway, thank you."

"Please have a seat Sir, I'll get it for you."


Sat at the corner of the restaurant, I checked some texts from Toby. He said Alice has woken up and she asked me.

"Oh, about time."

I looked around. "Pamela?"

"Awesome! You still remember my name."

"Of course." I stood. "How are you?"

"After that hurtful and pointless dinner with a band member, yeah, think I cope well."

"It's not what I meant to do, Pam..."

"You kissed my best friend Alice! How was that not amazing?!"

She screamed. I told you, that maybe half of Orlando population weren't even awake yet. I was embarrassed because the restaurant staff quickly checked on us the second she started screaming.

"Pam, maybe not here, really." I whispered.

"Is she now living with you?"

"What if yes?" I finally groaned back. "Hmm? Really, you two aren't kids anymore! I'm sorry if our thing didn't turn out like you expected, but I don't think you should put your finger on our lives anymore."

"So famous people just choose what they want to choose out of few options they have? You're no difference than shit."

The restaurant turned dark and quiet. The staff didn't want to come out from their room. Pamela stared into my eyes with so much anger. I was sad. I wish it worked better between us but I just couldn't do it. Our thing was not meant to be. I wish I didn't hurt her heart, furthermore hurt their friendship.

"Just...stay away from Alice. She's suffering enough." I gave in. "You won. But blame me instead, not her."

"I'm hurt..." She started playing that theatrical card.

"Me too." I rubbed her back. "But it's over now. Thank you for trying with me, the dinner, thank you. I had a pretty much good time."

The cashier handed me the order. Good. It's time for me to come home. I walked to my car and literally drove away in fast speed.

"What took so long? Which restaurant you bought these from?" Toby opened the front door for me.

"Three blocks from here." I smiled. "Where's Alice?"

"With Riley in your room. We don't want her to move."

"Thanks. You're right, she's not strong yet." I ran to my room. "Hey you."

"Connor?" Alice called my name.

"I'm here." I sat next to her.

"Toby and I will heat this up in the microwave. We'll call you when it's done." Riley poked my shoulder.

"Thanks bro."

"No problem."

Alice and I stared at each other's eyes with so much to talk about, but too complicated to decide where to start from. I held her hands strong and tight. No point of running anymore, I think I wouldn't be fully myself if she wasn't here.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Hmm? No, nothing. What, anything's wrong with my face?"

"Yeah, it's kinda..."

"You're imagining stuff again."

"No. I can tell. What happened?"

I wanted to tell her about Pamela but I guess dealing with school's already too hard for her so no, I'd keep it for myself.

"I'm just happy you're feeling better. You were so pale when I picked up yesterday."

"I'm sorry..."

"Stop saying sorry Alice. It's not your fault-"

"I miss Pamela." She suddenly cut my words.

"Maybe Pamela chooses her own way now. People change. We know that."

"Pamela and I have been together maybe since our birth. And we never changed since. Her school fame wasn't changing her."

"I'm sorry about it."

She held my hands tighter. How fragile she was. But at the same time, I wish you could see the strength in her eyes. You wouldn't think she could handle life, but she nailed it.

I didn't hesitate anymore. I wrapped her both cheeks and kissed right on the lips. It was warm, soft, lovely.

I know now where I belong.

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