Chapter 4

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"So..." I smiled bowing my head. "Thanks for coming with me this afternoon."

"Not a problem." Pamela smiled back. "It's very nice of you to ask me out. I need an escape from school because this should've been holiday."

"Hahaha. And why are you guys having class?"

"Short semester. Alice and I kinda want to graduate as fast as possible so we're doing shortcuts."

"Very smart." I nodded.

"You, yourself? You're in college right?"

"Yes." I cleared my throat. "Online classes. That's all I can do with very tight schedule."

"Of course. That's awesome that you're still thinking of school."

"As much as I want to stay in this industry forever, but we're getting old anyway. At some point, we'll be replaced."

"Still too far from it." Pamela put her hand on my shoulder. "At the age of 22, you've done so much in your life."


I drove with smile on my face. She's amazing. I was asking the right person out. I still remember how my heart almost popped out of my chest because of her feature. I usually tend to forget a girl's face after the show even when I found her pretty. But Pamela's stuck on my mind. Very nice of Alice, she helped me to get into Pamela's lane. And Alice was right; her friend's amazing.

"Okay! Here we go." I drove the car.

"Chipotle?" She chuckled.

"You should be liking it, right?"

"Hahaha. Can't help. I was once dying because couldn't find Chipotle at 2 AM."

"That's the worst." I rolled my eyes. "Shall we?"

I let my arms open for her to wrap and hold onto. And she did it right. I didn't care anymore if we're spotted by paparazzi. I was just so happy that we're together spending our afternoon.

"What do you want to have?" I gave the menu to her.

"I'd like to have salad, please."

"One salad for her, and I'm taking burritos, thanks."

I glanced at Pamela. I think she enjoyed it here. But something about her that I couldn't get through. It's almost easy to read that she's this kind of perfectionist. She kept checking her watch to measure how long she's been here with me. Everytime I tried to speak, she made one move that I could tell was uncomfortable.

"How's your band?" She suddenly came up with a question.

"Band is good." I drank my water. "We're just doing Indonesia show and it was wild. Preparing for Christmas now."

"Awesome." She nodded. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

I almost choked now. She just asked that? I was surprised. And a little bit worried that this date would turn awkward.

"Currently don't." I smiled. "What about you?"

"Just broke up."

"I'm sorry..."

"No, don't apologize. He's a jerk."

Twice in a row, I coughed because choked. There's this disappointment shown in her eyes. I would like to know what happened with her and that guy. But the way she described that guy as 'jerk'... Something was wrong. Or maybe I'm just not really into girls with strong words.

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