14. fight with me

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So as it turns out Chris is maniac pizza eater. i get full with one slice, and he eats 7, because there is nothing else left, other than the brownies, which he obviously eats.

"suit yourself" he says when i point out that i'm full enough without the brownies.

"you're a fucking monster" i say as i watch him swallow down all the food.

"well thanks darling, you have wounded me" he takes the last brownie in.

"that's what i'm here for" i stand up from the floor and pick up the pizza and brownies box to put it in the trash can in the kitchen.

"like hell you are" he says and stands up too.

"what do you mean" i step into the kitchen put the boxes over the counter and go back to the living room. i see Chris going upstairs and i follow him.

"i mean, you hurt me enough already"

"what?" i'm not understanding.

"you know how hard it is to keep your ass off my mind?"

"oh my god!" i yell a little tired of him. i punch his arm and he laughs at me.

he steps into my room and i watch him go over to the glass door and step into the tiny balcony.

"what are you doing?" i ask as i see him put his legs over the fence and jump onto the roof. i go over to the balcony and he sits down on the tilted roof. he lays on his back and closes his eyes. i jump over too and sit with him. every stupid thing he does makes me smile. you only live once and sitting on a rooftop has to be in everyone's bucket list.

we talk about unimportant things like how 'it's kind of cute how we all celebrate the earth finishing another lap around the sun'. i think it's amazing to have someone who you can comfortably talk about anything. conversation comes so easily, you don't have to push it. that's how this feels like. we talked from flowers to cars to drugs to music to piercings to tattoos.

"when did you get yours done?" i ask putting my hand over his arm.

"last year"

"how old are you?"

"17. almost there baby" he points at the sky as if 18 years would give him all the freedom he'd ever wanted. ok so we're the same age. he still manages to loo older than me. i think it's because he's so tall and so serious and mature looking. "oh that reminds me, my dear father wants me to go to this dinner with him and William. and since he likes you... well , you're going"

"i never gave you an answer." i say accusing him.

"i never asked you" he says. well it's true.

"what? no, you don't get to decide for me"

"do you want to go"


"does that make it any better?"

"yes, very"

"no it doesn't"

"what do you know?"

"what the fuck are you saying?"

"that it does make it better when you ask nicely."

"ok darling you win."

"don't let me win if i'm wrong"

"ok that doesn't even make one third of fucking sense!" he is smiling.

"don't smile we're fighting." i yell at him

"ok what the fuck are you on other than pot?"

"i'm not... ugh whatever."

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