Chapter 41

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Meagan's POV

"Where to?" The driver asks.

"Um... just keep driving straight." I say.

I immediately dial Kalin's number. The phone call was very awkward,"Um hey?" I say.

"Hi?" He says/asks.

"This is super awkward but I kinda need a place to stay for like the night or two." I say.

"Yeah. He told me." He says.

"I would really appreciate it." I say.

"I mean... I guess?" He says.

I sigh in relief,"Thank you, Kalin. I'll be there in a little bit." I say.

"Ok. Bye." He says.

"Ok turn left here." I tell the driver.

I get out and give him the money,"Keep the change." I say.

He drives off and I'm left on Kalin's porch.

I knock on the door. He answers,"Hey." He says, scratching the back of his head. His eyes were blood shot an his face was tear-stained.

"Hey." I say awkwardly.

"I set up your room back there." He says, making as little eye contact as he could and pointing to the guest bedroom.

I walk over and set my stuff on the bed,"I put some blankets on the shelf." He says with a raspy voice.

He walks out as fast as possible and goes to the nearest bathroom. I unpack my stuff and pretend like I don't hear him sniffling and crying for a while.

I then hear it getting more and more intense and I decide to go see if he's ok. I knock on the door,"Hey Kalin." I yell,"You ok?" I say again.

He walks out,"Yeah I'm fine. Sorry." He says.

I touch his chest to make him stop,"Are you ok Kalin?"

"Meagan, I'm fine really." He says still not making eye contact.

"Kalin look at me. You are not ok. What's wrong?"

He looks at me without saying a word for what seems like 20 minutes which was probably only 5 seconds. He starts to cry so hard I almost cry too. He cups his eyes,"Meagan I miss you!" He yells through the tears.

He slumps to the floor and I try to comfort him. He hides himself in his knees and I can't seem to get through to him.

Finally after a while, he holds my hands  and says,"Meagan, I miss you. I love you. I always have and always will. Not being able to wake up next to you is like... not being able to breathe. I need you, Meagan. I really do." He says.

"Kalin. We can't and you know we can't. It's not right. You love Camila. I know you do. Otherwise you wouldn't have cheated as many times as you did. Besides you two are good for each other. Your both famous and just starting to get big. I think you should just talk to her. Tell her you love her." I say.

" I would. If I did. But I don't. I need you. Not her. I love you. Not her." He says.

"I'm sorry Kalin. This is partially my fault. I should've never came back." I say getting up to go get my stuff so I could leave.

He grabs my arm,"Please don't go." He says,"Just stay the night."

I look at him and it feels like those bright green eyes are burning a hole inside of me. It makes me feel like I should just pull him down to my level and kiss him. I want to feel his lips against mine. I want to feel his body on mine.

"Ok." I say.

He lets go of my arm and wipes his eyes,"I'm sorry." He says,"I didn't mean for me to cry this much."

"No your fine." I say turning around.

"I meant what I said, though, Meagan." He says.

"Kalin, I really don't think it's a good idea that we talk about this right now." I say.

"So then when?" He says,"Your never going to want to talk about it."

"Your right, Kalin. I don't think talking about your ex who cheated and then broke your arm and then caused you to almost commit suicide is on my 'top things to talk about' list." I say.

"Oh my Gosh, Meagan. Let it go. I swear that's all you ever talk about anymore." He says.

"It's just that you hurt me. I never got over it and I'm not quite sure I will." I say.

"And I totally understand but I don't think it's something to keep us apart." He says sitting next to me on the bed.

"But that's not it." I say, standing up,"It the fact that you wouldn't be mine all the way. You would still have that small part in your heart for Camila. She will always be apart of you." I say.

"But so are you." He says.

"No. No, Kalin. I better go. Staying here is just pouring salt on the wound. Listen to me. Go with Camila. It's your best option. Block my number and delete our messages. Erase me from your life. I swear, it will be like nothing ever happened with us. Unfollow me and unfriend me from everything. Erase me from your life. It's the only way to get better. I love you." I say kissing his forehead and walking out of his house.

Instagram: _meaganjeppe_
Twitter: MeaganJeppe
Snapchat: xxmeagan.jeppe
Sorry this ones a little short. There should be one coming again pretty soon. Thanks so much for all the support!! Love you all!! 😘💋❤️

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