Chapter 39

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Aaliyah's POV

He takes me in the car and drives across town. He blindfolds me. I laugh,"Myles, where are you taking me?"

"You'll see." He says.

We finally stopped and he took my blindfold off. We were standing in front of the ocean. We were on huge dock. In the middle of the ocean.

Out of nowhere, Myles takes my hand an gets down on one knee. He pulls out a small black box and opens it. I cover my mouth and tears fill my eyes,"Aaliyah. You are the love of my life and I would like to spend the rest of  my life with you." He says,"Aaliyah. Will you marry me?"

I start to cry out of happiness,"If course Myles." I say.

He gets up and I wrap my arms around his neck. I give him a kiss and then he slides then ring on my finger. I smile and hug him again.

He take my hand in his and we walk back to our car.

Meagan's POV

I took Enzo in my arms and started swaying a little to soothe him. He quickly falls back asleep and I take him and his circular pillow to the couch I put the pillow down and lay him in it.

I turn my phone on because I had it off for lunch with Chris. I turn it on and all of a sudden my phone starts blowing up.

Kalin: You can't just do that!
Kalin: Who are you going to see?!
Kalin: Meagan!
Kalin: Whatever! Go sleep with another guy! Just makes you look like a whore!
Kalin: I'm sorry I didn't mean that.
Kalin: Meagan please answer me!
Kalin: I'm sorry! I still love you! Please Meagan!

That fourth text really pissed me off. I sent him a text of me just going off on him.

Me: KALIN WHAT THE HELL! I'm not a whore! If anything YOUR A THOT!! Cheating on me more than once make you look bad on your part!! Don't ever fucking text me again! Oh! And we didn't even kiss! I literally hate you so fucking much right now!! I swear if you EVER text me again I will call the cops!!!

Kalin: Meagan I'm sorry! Can't you just let it go?! I said I was sorry so many times!

Me: I don't fucking care Kalin! Leave me alone!

That was the last text. I wipe a tear. I turn on a show and lay there. I really didn't like him right now. I didn't care if he still loves me. My feelings for him are nonexistent now.

Kalin's POV

I know I really screwed up, calling Meagan a whore. I really did love her but I was upset with her. I thought what she did last night meant something. She told me she still liked me too. That she still had her screensaver as us.

I get a text from Camila.

Camila: Hey babe. I don't want to be clingy or anything but I haven't seen you in a while. Are you planning on coming home?

Me: I don't know. I still need time to think. I'm really sorry.

Camila: That's ok. I understand.

Me: Thank you Camila. I know that this is a lot.

Camila: No it's totally fine.

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