Chapter 30

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Lemme start this chapter with... HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! CHAPTER 30!!!! THANK YOU!!!

We woke up at 12:58. Well... not completely. Aaliyah was just in the bathroom throwing up whatever she ate last night. She walked out looking miserable. She laid back in her bed and hid herself in her blankets.


About 5 hours later it was six. The concert started at 7 so, Aaliyah and I had to get dressed.

I wore, a black crop top and some high waisted shorts with white lace designs on the bottom. I tied a flannel around whatever was showing on my stomach. For shoes, I wore white-out jays. I used a wand to curl my hair and then I was ready to go.

We both hopped in the car we only drive like 5minutes because the venue was close to the hotel.

"You ready?" Aaliyah asked me.

"I'm not sure." I said looking at her.

We waited in the crowd for a while until we saw the tour bus show up. Aaliyah started smiling and getting excited while I, started getting nervous and practicing what I was going to say to him in my head.

You really fucked up Kalin. Or, we can work through this together.

I realized I didn't know what I wanted. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Kalin! Like a lot! But, he really fucked up. Bad.

They got out of the bus but their security guards were guiding them around the crowd. Kalin and my eyes meet. I look away.

Cam sees Aaliyah and I and immediately comes over to give us hugs. He takes us backstage and then Aaliyah walks to Myles.

I still didn't know what to say to Kalin so when I saw him I turned to Cam,"So how's Destiney?" I asked. Destiney is one of my good friends from high school. Also know as, Cam's girlfriend.

"She's good." He says.

"Oh yeah I haven't seen her in a while." I say.

I can see Kalin walking over to me from the corner of my eye. Shit.

He tapped my shoulder,"Meagan, can I talk to you?" He asked.

I smiled at Cam,"I'll talk to you later but it was nice to see you." I say an then hug him.

I walk over to a corner with Kalin,"Im so happy to see you." He says. He goes into hug me and I turn to the side. He looks at me weird and then says,"Ok?"

"Kalin you really hurt me." I say, crossing my arms.

"Meagan I know but please forgive me." He says touching my arm.

I jerk my arm away,"Even after I told you not to go, you went! And what happened?" I yell,"Yep mmm hmm... Kalin you CHEATED!!"

"Meagan I'm sorry." He says.

"I know you are. Any guy would be." I say sarcastically and flip my hair.

He laughs,"I knew you would understand." He says.

"Woah! Hold up dude! You are not off the hook that easy," I say,"Your on probation." I say.

"Meagan I freaking love you!" He says pulling me in for a hug. He squeezes me tight.

"Kalin," I say out of breath,"I can't breathe."

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