Chapter 7

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I threw up again this morning and it was the same routine as the day before, I couldn't go back to sleep so I got dressed, you know.

Kalin was already awake and I realized it was 1:37.

"Morning sleeping beauty," He said "You slept really late so I went to get breakfast. I brought you an omelet."

"Thanks Kalin your the best." I said hugging him. I gave him a kiss and then ate my breakfast.

"Meagan we should go out tonight. To a really nice restaurant. I have some big news." He said.


I got dressed in a really nice light blue dress. I put my hair up in a cute braided side bun. Kalin left and had a limo come pick me up to take me to the restaurant.

When I got to the restaurant, Kalin was already sitting down at a table. He stood up and kissed me and then we both sat down.

"Baby you look gorgeous!" He said.

"Thanks baby. This is a really nice place. Are you sure you can afford it?" I asked Kalin.

"Baby don't worry about it. I got this." He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and said,"So what do we need to talk about?"

"Ok so when I was in the studio the other day, my manager told Myles and I that we would be going on tour." He said super excited.

I just stared at him,"Meagan be happy this is going to be really good for you and the baby." He said.

"Kalin I don't need money I need you! I don't want to be alone while I'm pregnant! I need you!" I said to him.

"Meagan we do need money. We can't have this baby and not have any money. How the hell are we going to raise he or she with no fucking money?!" He yelled at me.

"Ok Kalin for one don't yell at me and second I can get a job." I said.

"Doing what your pregnant!" He said.

"I know Kalin don't remind me," I put my head down starting to cry,"Kalin I need you. I can't do this without you."

He grabbed my hand,"Meagan we need to do this. We need the money. I'll visit as much as I can. I promise."

I looked up at him,"Ok Kalin but promise me when you get back you'll stay with me."

"Of course Meagan. I'll stay with you no matter what." He said.

He held me until our food came. We ate and then headed home.

I changed into on of Kalin's t shirts and then went to bed next to the love of my life, Kalin White.

Hope you enjoy!! Love you all!! Thank you so much for reading!! Thanks for all the support!! It is much appreciated! Don't forget to send me feedback I would love to see what you all think!! Love you all😘❤️💋

My Crazy Love Story (Kalin White fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin