Chapter 6

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I woke up at 7:24 feeling like shit. I sat up and then ran to the bathroom. I threw up everything in my body. Kalin came running into the bathroom.

"Meagan?! Are you ok?!" He yelled.

I couldn't talk because I was throwing up so much. He pulled my hair back behind me and rubbed my back.

After I was done I brushed my teeth because I didn't want my breath to stink. I laid with Kalin on the bed. I couldn't go back to sleep so I just got up and got dressed.

I put my hair into a a top knot bun. Then I put on a black strapless bra and a see through knitted shirt with floral designs.  I put on a pair of shorts then my makeup. I grabbed my satchel and put some sandals on.

"Hey Kalin I'm going to go see Aaliyah and probably grab something to eat do you want anything?" I asked Kalin.

"Sure umm can you get me a burrito from Chipotle?" He asked.

"Yeah of course I'll be home soon." I gave him a kiss and I was out the door.

I texted Aaliyah: Hey love😊 I'm going to come over.

Aaliyah: Ok cool see you soon!

I got to her house and walked inside. I hugged her mom and dad then walked to the living room. Aaliyah was on the couch.

"Hey babe." She hugged me.

I sighed and said,"We need to talk."

"Ok let's go to my bed room." She said.
I sat on her bed.

"Kalin and I slept together." I said closing my eyes.

"Meagan like you had sex?" She said whispering.

"Yeah at the party. Well like at his house. After the party." I said.

"Did you use protection?" She said.

"No and I threw up today." I said almost about to cry.

"What are you going to do if your... You know... pregnant?" She asks.

I cried a lot harder and said,"I don't know! Aaliyah I'm really scared!"

"Let's run to the store really quick  and get a couple of tests." I nodded and then we left.

We grabbed like seven pregnancy tests. When we got back to her house we headed straight to the bathroom.

I peed on all the tests and waited 5 minutes.

"I don't want to read them." I said.

Aaliyah looks at them and looks up at me.

"Positive." She says quietly.

I start to cry and she hugs me. I'm balling my eyes out in her should and somehow say,"What am I going to do?"

"Meagan you need to tell Kalin, She said "go home. Tell him. He loves you." She said. I nodded and then left her house. I headed home with Kalin's burrito.

I got home and Kalin was in the kitchen. I put his burrito on the counter and he looked in the bag.

"Mmm Meagan you know me so well." I couldn't help but cry. He held me in his arms. I just cried there for what seemed like forever.

"Kalin I'm pregnant." I told him.


"Say something I already feel guilty." I said.

"Meagan I know." He said.

"You know?" I asked.

"I got the feeling you were when you threw up this morning. Meagan it's going to be ok. I promise." He said smiling.

"I love you Kalin. Like a lot Kalin." I said.

"I love you too Meagan." He said to me.

Hey guys!!! Hope you like it!! Thanks for all your support! Love you all so much! Hope you like the story so far!!😘❤️💋

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