The Winchester Family

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Dean POV

Dean blinked in the sunlight that was streaming in from the window beside him. He sat up groggily and looked around him. His messy room surrounded him with clothes all over the ground. CD cases were stacked a mile high on his sound system and night table beside him. Posters of his favourite bands cluttered his walls.

It was the same scene he saw every morning, always there to greet him while the rest of the household yelled downstairs in their rush to get ready for school every morning.

“DEAN! GET YOUR ASS UP AND READY!” He heard his dad scream from the bottom of the stairs.

He lifted his hand and ran it down his face muttering “You don’t have to yell.”

But that’s all his dad did, all he did was yell at him for every little thing he did. He yelled at him about his grades, his mess, how he dressed, how he wasn’t high enough in rank on the football team. It was an ongoing thing.

Of course then there was his brother. Sammy was the perfect child, the one who never got blamed for anything because Dean was supposed to be the example. That was bullshit, Dean knew for a fact that Sammy was not the angel his parents thought him to be. But what did that matter? They never listened to him anyway.

Someone knocked on his door and Dean was sure to be at least out of the bed and scraping around in his closet looking for clothes.

A small head peeked around and he saw fourteen year old brother look up at him.

“What do you want Sam?” Dean growled, sleep still fogging his brain.

Sam flinched a little and looked at the ground “Dad said that breakfast is ready.”

Dean instantly felt bad for growling. He loved his brother and he knew it wasn’t his fault that he got all the love. Honestly Sam was just good at everything he touched; it was a gift the kid really had no control over.

“Thanks Sammy, I’ll be down in a bit okay?” Dean replied trying to make his voice sound softer.

Sam nodded and went to leave, before he closed the door he looked at Dean and said “I’ve told you before its Sam not Sammy.”

Dean laughed “Okay, whatever you say big guy.”

Sam left with what looked like an exasperated but loving expression on his face.

Dean looked at the door for awhile after it had closed again before pulling on a pair of jeans, his Zeppelin shirt and leather jacket. He went into the bathroom, giving his hair and quick comb through. His green eyes mocked him from the mirror and he had to force himself to look away.

Rushing down the stairs he sat at the table where the rest of his family was already eating.

Sammy was wearing his red plaid shirt and jeans, no jacket even though it was the middle of November and starting to get cold. Lawrence, Kansas wasn’t exactly known for its hot winters.

His dad was dressed and ready for work and the mechanic shop he owned down on 8th street and his mom was dressed for her lawyers firm in a gray suit. Her blonde hair was tied up in a tight bun on top of her head.

“Morning Dean.” She said placing a couple of pancakes on his plate, “Did you sleep well?”

Dean nodded “Well enough.”

“Well obviously not good enough, since you couldn’t get moving earlier.” His dad muttered taking a sip of his coffee.

He ducked his head in shame and silently ate his breakfast.

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