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*Lily's POV*

School had now been on for another three weeks, and I was quickly beginning to realize that fifth year was a hell of a lot harder than all of my other years at Hogwarts combined.

Everyone was being put under immense loads of pressure by every single one of their teachers because of the upcoming OWL's in June, and I had three Quidditch practices a week to top it all off.

Bloody Umbridge still hadn't lifted the ban on Harry, Fred, and George playing Quidditch, so they had to be replaced. Andrew Kirke and Jack Sloper were our new beaters, and Ginny took Harry's position at Seeker. They were all very good, but it just wasn't quite the same. So Angelina had us training extra hard so that we still had a fighting chance of winning the Quidditch cup at the end of the year.

Seamus and I going out together was now old news in the Gryffindor common room, which was good, because when we first came back to school after the holidays, we were the talk of the tower.

And right now, It's a Sunday afternoon, I have a Quidditch practice in two hours, and I'm in the library with Seamus and Dean, trying and failing to write a Potions essay that was due tomorrow. I was at least half way through, but the boys had hardly started.

"Seriously," I tried to say without laughing too hard, "You guys really need to get started, Snape will fail you if you don't!"

I received no reply (Dean and Seamus were using their wands to levitate the library books so that they would follow people around), so I tried to ignore them and began writing my third paragraph.

"Ok Lily," Seamus spoke with a hint of determination in his voice, "I'm finished pissing about. How do I write the introduction?"

Rolling my eyes, I passed my nearly-completed paper over to Seamus, who thanked me several times.


After practically forcing Dean and Seamus to finish their essays, I made my way over to the Quidditch pitch for training. Ron, Angelina, and Katie were already there, so I quickly changed into some training gear, and we started practice early.

Angelina had researched all of these fancy manoeuvres for the three chasers (Katie, Angelina, and myself)to make it easier for us to score, so we decided to practice them while Ron tried to block our attempts at the goal.

After I had mounted my broom and had flown a reasonable distance, I looked to my left briefly and spotted Seamus and Dean in the stands, who must have finished their potions papers and come to watch me play. When Seamus realised I had spotted him, he grinned at me, and I felt myself smile back.

Concentrating back on the game, I started to speed on my broom over to Katie and Angelina, until I heard Ron calling my name from behind me.


The last thing I saw was Katie's eyes widen in a mixture of shock and fear, before something hit me hard in the back of my head. I immediately blacked out, and was sent hurtling to the ground.


*Seamus' POV*

I had been sitting in the hospital wing at Lily's bedside for at least two hours before her eyes started to drift open.

Once her eyes had adjusted to the light, Lily smiled in my direction, which caused a huge rush of relief over me.

"My arm hurts". She grumbled, while reaching over for her glass of water on the table beside her bed.

"Well," I spoke while leaning over to pass her the glass, "You broke it. Pretty badly, actually. You hit your head really bad too, which is why you're still here. But don't worry, Madam Pomfrey fixed your arm, and told me you'd be fine".

Lily stared at her arm for a few seconds, before sitting straight up in her bed. "Oh. Oh, shit! Can I still play Quidditch!? Oh my God, Angelina is going t-"

"Lily, calm down!" I tried to act seriously, but I couldn't help a small smile from spreading across my face. I had to admit, she looked really funny and kinda cute when she was nervous. I would never tell her that, but I've always thought it.

"But she fixed my arm, right?" Lily spoke as if she was out of breath, and winced when she tried to move her right arm, that was currently hung in a sling around her neck.

"Yes Lily, she fixed your arm."

"Ok. That's good." She replied, leaning back slightly. "What actually happened to me? I don't really remember much".

I opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Ron, Katie, Hermione, Angelina, and Harry bursting into the room.

"Lily," Ron started, while pulling up a chair right next to her bed, "I am so sorry. It was an accident, I swear! The Quaffle bounced off one of the hoops and it just went straight for you and I couldn't do anything about it I jus-"

"Ron, I'm fine. Don't worry about it, honestly." Lily flashed Ron a smile, as if she had to visually prove to him that she was ok.

Katie stepped forward, presenting two plates of what looked like a roast dinner. "You both missed out on food, so we thought we would bring you some ourselves".

Lily and I gratefully accepted the plates and hastily began to stuff our faces, while the others pulled up various chairs so that we were all sitting in a circle.

After sitting and talking for around half an hour, Madam Pomfrey gave Lily the all clear and said she could leave. So, we all made our way back to Gryffindor tower, and I walked right beside Lily the entire way.


I feel like the story isn't progressing much, and there's so much I have planned for the story, I just haven't quite found a way to get it all out yet. So, I hope you guys liked this chapter! If you did, it would honestly mean so much to me if you could vote, comment, or share my story!


Lily Black: Hogwarts Student (Seamus Finnigan L.S)Where stories live. Discover now