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*Lily's POV*

To avoid anyone spotting us together, Seamus and I agreed to split up after we reached the castle.

We decided that we wouldn't tell anybody about our date, for a few reasons. We weren't even sure what was going to happen ourselves, so there was no real point in telling other people.

Also, everyone would be super annoying and big the hell out of us.

I still felt giddy, so I decided to take a short walk around the castle before returning to Gryffindor Tower.

I spotted Harry heading up towards the Owlery, and decided to follow him.

"Oi!" I yelled, and Harry turned to see me running up the stairs behind him.

"Hey Lily." Harry replied, half-smiling, and I could instantly tell something was up.

I liked to be the person that I Harry could talk to. He didn't have any siblings, and since Dad was Harry's godfather, I was sort of the closest thing he had to a sister. So whenever Harry was quiet, I made it my business to make sure that he was alright.

After finally getting him to tell me what was bothering him, Harry pulled his left hand out if his pocket, to reveal a swollen, red mark imprinted on the back of his hand that read "I must not tell lies".

I was shocked, but before I could ask who did this to him, Harry muttered "Umbridge" under his breath.

"This is horrible, that woman is evil!" I exclaimed, while pulling in Harry for a hug.

We sat down on the cold staircase to the Owlery, and both of us were silent for a few minutes.

"I wasn't lying, you know." Harry mumbled. "Voldemort is back. She told me he wasn't, but I've seen him."

"I believe you, I really do." Was all that I seemed to muster, as I was still in shock at how a person could use such a medieval method as a punishment for a fifteen year old.

We fell silent again, and my mind wandered to a single thought- How tough this must be on Harry, when he doesn't even have a parent to go home to. He had Dad of course, but it's just not the same as a proper family.

"I was named after her, you know. Your Mum."

Harry looked up at me with sad eyes, and managed a small smile.

"You know, Harry, you could always come and live with us. You're always welcome, please don't forget that." I smiled at him, then rested my head against his shoulder.

"Thanks Lily."


Later in the common room that night, whilst I was practicing some hexes for Charms, Hermione walked past me, and slipped a small piece of parchment into my pocket.

My eyes landed on Harry, mouthing the words 'read it' directly to me.

Sensing the urgency, I discreetly took out the note from my pocket, and began to read the message that was scrawled messily across the page.

'Want to fight back? Meet at the Hogs Head this Sunday at 2 pm for the first meeting of Dumbledore's Army'

I grinned to myself, and looked up to find Harry smiling back at me.

I nodded at Harry across the room,

This was going to be interesting.


I know this was really short, but I'm updating frequently, and I just thought I would show a few more character relationships before I got into the thick of the story. Hope people are liking this!

Lily Black: Hogwarts Student (Seamus Finnigan L.S)Where stories live. Discover now