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*Lily's POV* 

I went to bed that night with a stupid smile plastered on my face.

Seamus and I lay in the long grass beside the lake for a few hours last night, and had to sneak back into the castle, way past curfew. 

I entered my room to see Hermione waiting for me. She kept asking me where I was, and what I was doing.

I simply said I was "out', not even trying to cover up the fact that I was blushing.

Hermione simply rolled her eyes, and climbed into bed. "Whatever, you can tell me in the morning".

Scree was perched on the end of my bed, as if he was waiting for me too.

"Why hello there" I cooed, giving him a kiss on the top of his head, and rubbing the back of my hand under his chin.

I let him out the window, and he flew towards the owlery, where he slept most nights.

This was the best night ever.

*Ron's POV*

I stayed in the common room until late last night, waiting for her. I planned out the entire conversation in my head, I was going to tell her I liked her.

But she never turned up.

I had sat in an armchair by the fireplace, picturing my conversation with Lily, waiting for her to come through the portrait hole. At 11 pm, I gave up, assuming she had been up in her room all night.


In the morning, I was sitting in the common room, waiting for Lily to walk down the stairs from her dormitory.

I practiced this conversation in the bathroom mirror for about ten minutes this morning, and I was determined.

As I saw her skip down the stairs towards me, I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

"Hey Lily, can I talk to you?" I said, gesturing for her to sit next to me on the couch.

She jumped onto the couch, with a smile on her face. Ok good, I thought to myself, we're the only ones in the common room.

"Ron", Lily started, "I had the best night last night, you'll never guess what happened!" Her face was lit up, and I could tell she was really excited by whatever she was talking about. "After quidditch practice last night, I hung out with Seamus, and, well..." She started grinning, looking at me for a response.

My heart dropped. So that's where she was last night. I felt my body seize up. 

There was no way in hell that I was telling her now.

"Oh." I murmured, giving her a weak smile. "So that's where you were last night. I waited for you." 

"Shit, I'm sorry Ron. We really shouldn't have stayed out that late, we just lost track of time and-"

I gave her another feeble smile, but it felt as if my lips were being weighed down by bricks.

"It's fine Lily." I stammered, barely getting the words out. "Listen, I have to go get some stuff from my room. I'll catch up with you later."

And with that, I trudged myself up the stairs and collapsed face-first onto my bed.

Well that went well.


*Sorry this was kind of short

Lily Black: Hogwarts Student (Seamus Finnigan L.S)Where stories live. Discover now