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*There may be some language and some scenes in this that may not be appropriate for younger readers. Most of the story will be told through Lily, but there could be some scenes written from different characters' perspectives.

*Lily's POV*

Stepping through the brick barrier onto platform 9 and 3/4, I knew this was going to be the best year of Hogwarts yet.

Breathing in the smog billowing out of the Hogwarts Express, I looked around me, spotting my favorite red head.

"Oi, Ron!"


I jumped onto him, and he quickly hugged me back. I actually missed Ron more than I thought. He has been my closest friend ever since I was three years old, and our families were good friends, but I always seemed to connect with Ron the most.

Laughing, he picked me up and spun me around, then placed me on the ground again.

"How was your summer? I haven't seen you in two months!" He exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

I had been really happy this summer, having some quality time with Dad was amazing. Although he couldn't come and see me off at the station this morning (for obvious reasons), we had really grown a lot closer over the past months.

But before I could reply to Ron, I heard my name being called from behind me in a thick, Irish accent that I absolutely loved.

Spinning around, I saw Seamus pushing through the sea of school students, and then he enveloped me in a tight hug.

Seamus, although I only met him in my first year of Hogwarts, was my other closest friend apart from Ron. I had really grown close to Seamus, and we were very good friends.

As I let go of Seamus, he lingered on the hug a little, which was odd, but I thought nothing of it.

"You look so different!" He said slowly, staring at me.

"I could say the same to you!" I replied, realizing how much Seamus had grown up over the summer. His hair was a little longer, and he had grown, making him at least two inches taller than me. He definitely looked older, and we kind of just stood staring at each other for about four seconds, before Ron made an awkward coughing sound.

There was a strange stiffness between Ron and Seamus, which created a silence, only to be broken by my name being called in the distance by a girls' voice this time.


Hermione and I were very close from the minute I started Hogwarts, and even though she was more academic and I was DEFINITELY more athletic, our opposites attracted and we soon became the best of friends.

Harry followed Hermione, and I gave him a giant hug. I knew he was having a tough time after last year and the Tri Wizard Tournament, and since we found out that Dad was Harry's Godfather, I felt closer to Harry now more than ever. He hugged back, knowing exactly what I was thinking.

"You ok?" I whispered, pulling away slightly, looking him in the eyes.

"Yeah, I am actually alright. I missed you, Lily", He said, giving me a smile.

After more hugs with everyone, I glanced at my watch.

"Shit, it's five minutes to eleven!"

The five of us clambered onto the train, and found Dean Thomas sitting in an empty compartment, waiting for us. I really liked Dean, and although I wasn't as close with him as some of the others, we were good friends.

After another round of hugs, I sat down in between Seamus and Hermione, and across from Dean, Ron, and Harry.

The train started to move away from the station, and I couldn't help but smile to myself, thinking about all of the amazing friends I had sitting around me, and how good this year was going to be.


About halfway through the train ride, Seamus told a story about a bad experience with a fizzing whizbee, which caused me to burst out laughing. Casually, Seamus put his arm around me, which I wasn't bothered about, but I got a funny look from Ron. Confused, I asked him about it.

"What has your knickers in a twist, Weasley?" I asked, half smiling, half concerned.


The compartment grew quiet, and although I knew his answer was completely false, I decided to list it as something to bring up later, rather than start something now.

Trying to lighten the mood, I started to ask Hermione about her holiday, but in the back of my mind I was wondering what got Ron so upset.

For the rest of the train ride, everything seemed to be normal again, but I kept catching Ron staring at me, even though he would quickly look away as soon as I caught him.

That was all forgotten however, when in the distance, I could see Hogwarts, shining in the sun.

I, Lily Black, was going to have the best year ever.


*Hope you liked the first chapter! Any suggestions or comments, please let me know in the comments, I am really interested to see what people think of this story.

Lily Black: Hogwarts Student (Seamus Finnigan L.S)Where stories live. Discover now