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Although Charms, Transfiguration, and Care of Magical Creatures were my favourite classes at Hogwarts, there was something about Astronomy that I found fascinating. I was completely crap at it, but you don't have to get top marks to enjoy a subject, right?

Besides, it was definitely Seamus' favourite. He got some of his best grades in Astronomy, and I often caught him in the common room at night, just staring out the window, looking at the stars.

To be completely honest, my favourite qualities about Seamus were the tiny little things. Like the way he looked at the stars, the close relationship he had with his Mum, and the way he laughed whenever one of the Weasley twins used one of their inventions in a harmless prank. And I haven't just thought this since we've been going out. I've always like those things about him.

Anyway, it was now two weeks after my Quidditch incident, but Madam Pomfrey had given me the all clear and I was back to training more than ever. Seamus and I were discussing our previous DA meeting, and we were heading down to the Great Hall for breakfast before classes started.

"I really hope that we have another meeting soon," I muttered to Seamus as we took our seats next to each other at the Gryffindor table. "I don't think I can take another minute of Umbridge being here."

"I know, but we just have to wait it out". Seamus replied, while helping himself to a piece of buttered toast.

I sighed loudly in response.

Suddenly, about one hundred owls flew in through the open windows to deliver the morning mail. I instantly spotted Scree, and instinctively touched my bracelet on my wrist. Seamus noticed this, and grinned widely at me.

Scree dropped a letter in front of me, and in exchange, I fed her a crust off of my toast.

Quickly realising that the letter was from Mum and Dad, I eagerly tore the envelope open to discover a piece of parchment, and two photographs. The first photo was taken by Ginny on Christmas Day, the one of Mum, Dad and I hugging. The second photo I hadn't seen before, but instantly recognised as the spare bedroom at home. The walls were bare, but there was a small crib placed in the centre of the room.

Scanning my eyes over the note, I quickly recognised the handwriting- it was from Dad. 

I thought you might like to keep the photo of us at school with you, so you don't forget what we look like when you come home in June.
Your mother and I have been getting ready for the baby, it's only a few months away after all. I'm sure you've figured out that the second photo was taken in the spare room, where the baby will be sleeping. And we will send word if anything happens to the baby, I promise.
This letter is a short one, but I want a full detailed reply on everything that's happening at Hogwarts, and Dumbledore's Army.
Your mother and I will write to you soon, but until then, we love you Lily, look out for Harry and keep yourselves safe.


I studied the photo of the three of us, and I felt tears stinging in my eyes. They threatened to spill over, so I wiped them away with the sleeve of my shirt.

Seamus immediately noticed my watering eyes, and stared straight at me. "You alright, Lily?" After a few seconds of silence, he spoke again. "Stupid question, you're obviously not alright. What's wrong?"

"Just missing home".

Seamus wrapped his arms around me, and embraced me in a warm hug. I rested my head against his shoulder, and I felt myself relax.

After about ten seconds, I pulled away and planted a soft kiss on Seamus' cheek. I muttered a "Thank you." to him, wiped my eyes, and handed the photo of the spare room to Seamus.

"That's the baby's new room." I said while leaning my elbows against the table, staring into the photograph.

"That's incredible Lily," Seamus replied quietly, "I've always wanted a little brother or sister".

We fell into a comfortable silence, which was broken a few seconds later by Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Dean entering the Great Hall and searing themselves around us.

Harry sat directly opposite to me, and I handed the letter, along with the two photos over to him. He was pretty much a member of the family anyway, so I thought he ought to read it.

Harry's eyes lit up at the sight of the second photo. "So this is the baby's new room?"

I nodded while grinning, feeling a whole lot better to have such an awesome group of friends.

I helped myself to a piece of toast, and the six of us began to talk about our dreaded first period: Defence against the Dark Arts with Umbridge.


After walking as slowly as possible, we finally arrived at class, and I took my seat next to Hermione.

Umbridge descended the stairs from her office sporting a pink coat and shoes of the exact same shade, and the sight of them alone made me want to vomit. How I was going to survive a whole hour staring at her, I had no idea.

As the lesson dragged on, I completely drifted into my own thoughts, thinking about how much trouble we'd get into if Umbridge actually found out about Dumbledore's Army. The punishment she gave to Harry for 'speaking out of turn' was horrible, so I shuddered to even think of what that toad would do to us if she discovered that students were breaking countless amounts of rules on a weekly basis.

I don't think I listened to a single word Umbridge said the entire lesson, and I couldn't have cared less. All I wanted to do was to defy her stupid rules, and have as many DA meetings as possible before the end of the year.


Hope people liked this chapter! Would be awesome if anyone reading this could leave a vote or a comment, and let me know what you thin of the story, and what you would like to see more of!

Letter from parents- baby, order,

Lily Black: Hogwarts Student (Seamus Finnigan L.S)Where stories live. Discover now