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The next week flew by.

I was so excited for the meeting on Sunday I could hardly wait. I didn't pay any attention in class, I couldn't concentrate in Quidditch training, and I spent my nights excitedly writing letters to Dad, telling him all about what we were planning.

I kept talking to Harry about the so called 'Army', and couldn't contain my grin because I was so excited to fight back.

The fact that a couple of Hogwarts students were standing up to Umbridge by going against all of her stupid rules and decrees was exhilarating, and honestly, I was kind of proud of myself for being involved.

So when Sunday finally came, I practically jumped out of bed, and began to get ready for the day ahead.

Seamus and I had agreed to meet early in the common room so that we could hang out before the meeting in Hogs Head. (I avoided the word 'date' because it gave me those stupid butterflies that I keep failing to control).

I decided on a pair of grey jeans, a baggy white shirt, a black parka, and my brown boots. I wore my hair out, paired the outfit with a woolen beanie and a scarf, tucked my wand into my jeans, and headed downstairs to meet Seamus.

However, I was not met by Seamus, but by Fred and George, who were grinning widely at me.

I internally swore as I remembered when they had nearly caught Seamus and I kissing. Trying to act casual, I smiled, and said "Oh, hey! What are you guys doing up so early?"

"Could ask you the same thing, Black." Fred smiled.

"Seems to us like you're waiting for someone," George continued, "A certain Finnigan maybe? You know, the one you tried to hide from us last week? The one that you were snogging in the middle of-"

My heart dropped, and I could feel my face become redder by the second. How the hell did they see us?

"Shit, so you guys did see? Listen, you can't tell anybody, or I'll kil-"

The twins burst into a fit of laughter. They were obviously just impressed with themselves that they had got such a reaction out of me.

"Lily, we weren't going to tell anyone." George looked at me, and I could tell that he was being genuine.

My thoughts were interrupted, when I saw Seamus descending the boys' dormitory stairs. When he saw me with Fred and George, I saw panic flash in his eyes and he looked straight at me with a sort of 'What the hell?' expression.

The twins had obviously noticed the worried look on my face, because they grinned, and slowly turned around to see Seamus, awkwardly smiling at them.

"Right," Fred started, rubbing his hands together, "We'd best be off. You kids have fun!"

George winked at me, Fred gave Seamus a knowing look, then they both disappeared up the stairs to their room.

Seamus and I quickly exited the common room, and I began to explain.

"Holy shit, those two are ruthless! They saw us last week, and just didn't say anything."

"What did they say?" Seamus asked.

"They won't tell anyone what they saw, but either way, that was terrifying."

"Well that's ok then, nothing to worry about." Seamus smiled at me, grabbed my hand, and we began to make our way to Hogsmeade.


Seamus and I had a late breakfast in the Three Broomsticks, wandered around Honeydukes and Zonkos, then made our way to the Hogs Head for the meeting that we had been planning for the past week.

I was so excited I practically burst through the door of the dingy old pub, Seamus following quickly behind me.

There were a few people in the room already, but I immediately made my way to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Soon enough, the room filled with Hogwarts students. Most were Gryffindors, but there were many Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs as well.

I sat in between Seamus and Ron, and from across the room I could see Fred and George wiggling their eyebrows and winking at us. In response, I blushed heavily and tried to ignore them.


The meeting went really well, and by the end of it, we had a full sheet of names that were willing to become members of Dumbledore's Army.

I walked back to Hogwarts along with Seamus, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Neville, Dean, Fred, and George, and the whole way we were excitedly chatting about the meeting.

A soon as I got back to the common room, I raced upstairs to my room and wrote a letter to Dad, telling him all about today's events, as I knew he would be waiting to hear all about it.

In all of the letters that I had received from Dad, he has told me that he's proud of me for doing what I'm doing, which made my heart swell with pride. I loved hearing praise from Dad, since he hasn't been around for very long. It just makes me appreciate it more.

After writing my letter, I headed downstairs, and walked to dinner in the Great Hall with Hermione and Ginny.


Later in the evening, Hermione and I had returned to our dormitory, were in our pyjamas, and were just chatting and playing with Crookshanks, Hermione's cat.

We were the only ones in the room, since Lavender and Parvati were almost always off with some boy. It was nice to talk to Hermione, since the majority of our friend group were guys.

"Oh by the way, where were you this morning?" Hermione asked, "I was looking for you".

I could feel my cheeks grow hotter, and I began to panic. "Uh, I, uh... Damn it Hermione, can you keep a secret?"

Hermione sat straight up and stared at me. "Yes," She said slowly, "I can. Why?"

"Well, I was.. out with someone."

"What?! Lily, who? You have to tell me!"

In all honesty, I was hoping Hermione would react like this, because I really wanted to tell someone.

I paused for a moment, then quietly muttered "Seamus. We went out last week too". I said the words as quick as I could, relieved to have gotten the secret off of my chest.

Hermione immediately reacted, grinning, and wiggling her eyebrows at me. "I knew it, I knew you two had a thing!"

"Hermione calm down!" I whispered, "Honestly, someone will hear you!"

After forcing her to swear not to tell a single soul, Hermione and I went to sleep, and I did so smiling.


I know that in the books Seamus doesn't support Harry at first, but it fit into my story so much easier if I altered it a little bit. Love to hear what people think of the story, please let me know!

Lily Black: Hogwarts Student (Seamus Finnigan L.S)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt