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Another shoutout to the amazing EReader33 who has helped me so much with my writing and ideas, thank you for messaging and encouraging me to carry on, it's much appreciated!
They write an awesome Seamus story, and I think everyone should go check it out!


*Ron's POV*

At the moment, I was honestly just feeling very confused.

I was currently sitting in the library,  attempting to complete a transfiguration assignment, which was particularly difficult when I could only focus my mind on one thing: Lily.

My mind kept drifting to the morning she told me she had kissed Seamus, and then to another memory from last year, the week before the Yule Ball.

Lily and I were talking about the Ball, and neither of us had found dates yet.


"So, if you do find a date, would you kiss them?" Lily asked me while laughing.

"Uh, I dunno."
Truth is, I would be way too scared to kiss anyone, but I wasn't about to tell Lily that, she would never let it go.

Trying to avert the attention off of me, I asked her, "What about you? What if, I dunno, Cedric Diggory asked you to dance, would you kiss him?"

Her cheeks reddened, because I knew she had a crush on Cedric (half the girls in the bloody school did).

"For one, Cedric can't ask me, he's already going with Cho." She retorted, "And second, no, I would not kiss him".

"Oh, and why not?"

"Because," Lily started, "I want my first kiss to be special, and I don't want to just give it away".

*End of flashback*

Although I had then proceeded to tease Lily, I often thought about what she had said, because I knew that she had truly meant it.

If she had kissed Seamus, she must really like him.

However, my thoughts were rudely interrupted by Hermione dropping several heavy-looking books right next to me.

"Bloody hell Hermione!"

"Oh sorry, did I disturb you?" She retorted sarcastically, "Oh, and by the way, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been sulking for at least a week now- it'll bug me if I don't find out what's wrong, so give it up, and tell me". She stared straight at me, and I pretended to look confused, as if I had no idea what she was talking about.

She was trying to be sarcastic, but I decided to confide in her anyway.

Although she can be incredibly annoying, Hermione was a very, very good friend.

"Ok," I spoke quietly, "If I tell you, you will not breathe a word of this to anyone. Get it?"

"Got it." Hermione grinned, obviously pleased that she had finally caused me to crack.

I then proceeded to tell her everything about how I felt about Lily, and how I knew how much she liked Seamus.(As well as everything in between).

"Hmmm." Hermione looked up at me after I had finished ranting.

She looked at me as if she wanted to tell me something, but she was afraid that if she told me, I would get annoyed.

But being the impatient person that I am, I demanded to know whatever she was keeping from me.

"What?! You can't not tell me something after I've told you all that!"

"Well... It's just that, you don't really seem to like her. You know, in that way."

I stared at Hermione blankly.

"Come on," She continued,"Everything you just told me sounds like you're being protective, which makes sense, since you've been friends since before you could talk".

I leaned back into my chair, and contemplated what Hermione had just said.

The more I came to think about it, the more I actually believed her. I mean, I only started liking Lily after I realised that Seamus did... Maybe Hermione had a point.

"Thanks Hermione, you actually helped a lot." I said truthfully, smiling at her.

"No problem." She replied while grinning, obviously happy to have actually gotten information out of me.

*Lily's POV*

Was it this normal to be this terrified before a date?

I was walking down to Quidditch training with Katie and Angelina, but I couldn't get my mind off my date with Seamus.

The only thing that eased my nerves was Ron.

We hadn't spoken in about a week and I was getting really worried about him. But when I arrived at training, he smiled, and gave me a hug, which was all I needed to feel sane again.

Honestly, Ron's hugs were the best. Ever since I was about five, Ron could tell when I was nervous, and his hug was like someone was removing all doubts, worries, and nerves from my mind.

I suddenly felt great, and was eager for practice to start.


After training had finished, all I wanted to do was sleep, but I just couldn't bring myself to do so.

There were a billion thoughts flashing in my head, and I failed to get rid of a single one of them.

I was thinking about my kiss with Seamus, and how much had happened in the past few weeks.

What happens if it doesn't work out, and he doesn't want to be friends anymore?

If that were to happen, I don't know what I'd do. Seamus and I are a team, and so I made a mental promise to myself to make sure that I didn't lose him as a friend, no matter what happens.

I began to feel my eyes droop, and my final thought was of Seamus, and how happy he looked that morning in the Owlery, when I said that I would go out with him.

I fell asleep with a great, big, goofy smile, plastered across my face.


If anyone reading this could leave a comment on how you think this story is going, I would be very grateful!

Lily Black: Hogwarts Student (Seamus Finnigan L.S)Where stories live. Discover now