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*Lily's POV*

When I woke up on Sunday morning, I could have sworn that the butterflies in my stomach had been flying all night long.

I slowly removed myself from the comfort of my bed, threw on my biggest, fluffiest jumper, and made my way down to the bathroom.

After showering, I towel dried my hair, and faced the incredibly difficult decision of what I was going to wear on my date with Seamus.

I shuddered, because every time I even thought his name, the butterflies in my belly erupted and I couldn't handle it.

Quite frankly, it kinda scared me, the fact that one thought could have that much of an effect on a person.

Shaking Seamus from my mind, I decided to wear my pair of 'nice' jeans, a long sleeved checkered shirt, a big warm scarf, and a coat, considering it was bloody freezing outside.

I paired my boots with this incredibly basic outfit, and then dealt with my hair and face.

I finished drying my hair with my wand (a neat little spell I learnt in Charms last year), and decided to leave it out. In terms of makeup, I never really wore much, mostly because I couldn't be bothered.

So after moisturising my face, I applied a coat of mascara, a small amount of concealer, tinted lip balm, and decided to leave it at that.

I moved down the stairs to the common room at an incredibly slow pace, as if I was going to break the staircase if I walked too fast.

When I reached the common room, I scanned the room for Seamus.

There were a few second years playing exploding snap by the fireplace, and a couple of fourth years were coming through the portrait hole, as well as a few people scattered about the place, talking, studying, and relaxing.

My eyes landed on Seamus descending the staircase directly opposite me.

His eyes met mine and he smiled, and the butterflies were at it again.

Seamus was dressed casually in a pair of boots, jeans, a warm, thick hoodie.

Holy shit, that was the nicest hoodie he owned. I know that hoodie, he calls it his fancy hoodie. The one he hardly ever wore. And he was wearing it. Right now.

How the hell a damn jacket could have such an effect on me was unknown, all I knew was that Seamus Finnigan only ever wears that grey hoodie on the most special of occasions.

And the fact that he was wearing it on our first date made me freak out.

Shaking the thought from my brain was a difficult task, but I managed to do so when I realised that Seamus was crossing the room, and was walking over to me.

I tried to act casual by smiling at him, but the closer he got to me, I realised that Seamus was just as nervous as I was.

"Hi." I breathed, and even I could hear the nerves in my voice.

"Hey. Shall we go?" Seamus asked, offering his arm for me to link mine through.

"We shall." I said whilst grinning widely, happily linking my arm through his, trying to get myself as close to him as possible.

"You look really nice, by the way." Seamus stated while smiling right at me, and I could've sworn my knees were going to buckle.

How the hell I was going to be able to walk all the way to Hogsmeade, I had no idea.


After two hours of milling about the quaint shops and houses, we decided to head back to the castle.

All in all the date had gone really well. I would forget about my nerves, and it would feel as if I was just hanging out with my best friend (which I sort of was).

Then Seamus would do something like grab my hand to lead me somewhere, and I would feel a tingle in my fingertips, and it felt as if small sparks were being set off all over my body.

It was an amazing feeling.

We were now sauntering back to the castle, and my arm was linked securely onto his.

We were just talking about random things, but it just felt nice, and in this moment, I was extremely happy.

We were walking through a patch of trees, when our conversation stopped, and we fell into a comfortable silence.

"Lily?" Seamus asked, turning his head to look down at me (he was an inch or so taller).

"Yeah, Seamus?" I replied, looking up at him while resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Did you enjoy today? I was... wondering if you'd like to do it again sometime soon?"

I felt my cheeks redden as I heard what he said. 

In response, I leaned and gave him a small peck on the cheek.

"I would love to do this again".

I then kissed him lightly once more on the lips, and he instantly responded, kissing me back.

*Seamus' POV*

I never wanted this to stop.

While kissing Lily, I felt billions of tiny fireworks set off all over my body, from the tips of my toes, all the way to the top of my head.

Lily wrapped her arms around my neck, and in response, I placed my hands on the small of her back, vanishing all space between us.

I would be perfectly happy doing this for the rest of my life, but Lily broke away, grinning.

I smiled back, until her face suddenly dropped, obviously spotting something behind us.

"Shit, it's the twins." She mumbled, before grabbing my hand and leading me into the trees.

We ran for a solid minute, until we were definitely concealed in the thick branches of the trees.

"What was that for?" I chuckled as we watched Fred and George walk past.

"Seamus, they would never leave me alone if they saw me snogging you!"

I laughed, but completely understood what she meant. The twins were ruthless, and would pester Lily into madness if they caught her with someone.

I grabbed Lily's hand and began to lead her back to the path, when she pulled me around, and locked her lips onto mine.

I could get used to this.


I hope people are liking this story, please let me know what you think!!
Another quick thanks to EReader33 for leaving me awesome comments and messages, they're much appreciated!!

Lily Black: Hogwarts Student (Seamus Finnigan L.S)Where stories live. Discover now