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*Lily's POV*

Quidditch trials were coming up, and I had been training all week.

So between practice with Angelina and Katie, classes, homework, eating, and sleeping I had absolutely no time to talk to anyone.

Including Seamus.

I really thought that we had something, but since I told him I needed time to think, I've been avoiding him like crazy. This is due to the fact that I am terrible at making decisions.

I knew that I liked him, a lot actually, but I was pathetic and couldn't even tell him.

So much for being a brave Gryffindor.

So instead of talking to Seamus, I distracted myself and did every other activity under the sun.


Not to brag, but I kicked some serious ass at Quidditch trials.

Not only did I make it onto the team, but I made vice captain! (Angelina was appointed captain).

The team was exactly as I thought it would be, with only a few minor changes:

Angelina, Katie and I were chasers, Fred and George were still beaters, and Harry stayed at seeker.

Ron made keeper.

I was so proud of him, he worked so hard for that position, and he really deserved it.

I wasn't really sure what was up with Ron, but he had been really quiet around me for the past the few days. I needed to talk to him, but I was so busy with avoiding Seamus, that I had no time to talk to him.

However, I was determined to speak to him tonight.

Angelina made up this team 'initiation' thing, which involved us hanging out in the Gryffindor common room for hours which worked in my favor for two reasons.

For one, it gave me a perfect excuse to avoid Seamus.

And second, I could see Ron and maybe talk to him about why he was being so weird.

And I would also, you know, socialize with my team mates. That too.


*Ron's POV*

Being with Lily all night was incredibly awkward.

I kept catching her sneak glances towards me, and every time her eyes met mine, my stomach flipped and my heart leaped into my mouth.

The team was lounging in a circle formed from various couches and armchairs, right near the fireplace.

Not going to lie, it felt good to finally be on the team.

I was sitting next to Harry, Angelina and Katie were stretched out on the sofa next to us, and directly in front of me sat Lily, laughing and propping her feet up onto George's legs, while her head rested on Fred's lap.

Shit, what I'd give to be Fred right now.


*Lily's POV*

I woke up the next morning, practically jumped out of bed, and began my morning routine.

After showering, I got dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a knit jumper, tied my hair in a loose ponytail, laced up my boots, and began the walk down to the owlery, letter in hand.

The walk through the castle and up the stairs to the owlery was long, but it gave me some time to think about home.

Having Dad back with Mum and I was amazing, and these past two years have been the best years of my life.

I miss them a lot while I'm here, so every Sunday morning I make sure I write a letter to them about what I had been doing, and I post it to them.

I made sure to mention me making it onto the team (again), and how horrible the new Defence against the DA teacher Umbridge (Although I personally prefer Dumbridge) was.

However, I conveniently skipped over the part where I kissed Seamus at the lake, and had to sneak back into the castle way past curfew.

What they don't know can't hurt them, right?

I reached the top of the stairs, and called Scree, who was nestled in the eaves, huddled among some other birds.

He landed on my arm, and I softly ran my hand along his chin.

While feeding Scree a small biscuit I had brought from the castle, I heard someone cough behind me.


*Seamus' POV*

Lily turned around and looked at me, while I was trying to figure out if she was blushing, or if it was just the morning cold hitting her cheeks.

"Oh hey Seamus, what are you doing up here?"

Oh nothing, it's just been two weeks since I kissed you and you said you needed time and I tried to be patient but I'm incredibly impatient and I really really want an answer.

"Oh, I'm just posting a letter to Mum. She likes at least one every two weeks". I said, while walking over to a school barn owl, and giving him my letter that I wrote last night. "What about you, why are you up here so early?"

"Oh" She started, "I'm posting a letter to home too".

Her cheeks became even rosier, and I was now certain that that was not just the morning cold.

"How's everything at home, how's your Dad?" I asked, because I knew Lily well enough to know that ever since Sirius came home, she loves to talk about him.

Her face lit up after she heard my question, and she began to gush on about her father, while I studied her features intently.

Her deep blue eyes were sparkling due to her excitement, and the harsh morning temperature had caused the tip of her nose and her cheeks to turn a rosy tinge of pink. Her freckles (which are one of my favourite things about her) were heavily dusted across her nose and cheeks, and her wavy brown hair was swept over her left shoulder.

I realised I was staring when she began to laugh, and wave her hand in front of my face.

"Seamus, hello?" She continued to laugh, entirely unaware that I was staring right at her.

"Sorry, my mind must have drifted. Listen Lily, I had something to ask you". I suddenly began to feel myself shake, internally muttering profanities at myself for bringing up the subject too quickly.

"Yeah, Seamus?"

"Uh, about the other night... by the lake. I know you said you wanted to think about what happened, but I was wondering if you'd thought about it at all?

She took a small step closer to me and smiled, so I carried on talking.

"Anyways Lily, would you maybe want to come to Hogsmeade with me next Sunday?" I slowly exhaled, completely unaware that I had held my breath that entire time .

"Seamus, I would love to".

Holy shit, she actually said yes.


Just like to say a huge thank you to EReader33 for leaving me amazing messages, and helping me to progress with my story. Thanks!! The stories that EReader33 writes are amazing, and I suggest you read them all!

Lily Black: Hogwarts Student (Seamus Finnigan L.S)Where stories live. Discover now