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Let me start off by saying that I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and the New Year brings you lots of joy and happiness.

So, Karma is complete. Which feels really weird to say because I never actually pictured this as being complete, however, it has been. It started off with me writing about ten chapters when I had insomnia one night and I was convinced it was going to end up in my drafts, but it didn't and it hasn't and I am actually incredibly proud in how it all turned out... and I'm never proud, so that's good!


Now, yes, there will be a sequel.

When? I have no clue.

None. Nada. I mean, I've left enough room for a sequel but at this moment in time I have no idea how I want the story to continue nor do I know whether I want it to follow on from this or be set in the future some when. Basically, I have no idea about anything, except that I do know that there will be one somewhere in the near future and I will update you guys on that when the time comes.

Yes, there will be a sequel.

No, it will not be any time soon.


Karma will be on the featured list as of the 13th of January and I am so so so excited. Like, seriously. I never thought this could or would get featured, but it's wonderful and when it happens I will probably explode, but yeah. WE'RE GETTING FEATURED c:

OTHER STORIES... if you like my writing?

At the moment I currently have one other active story on my account which is called 'seven reasons why' which is a short novel complete with texts from a guy to his girlfriend who recently committed suicide. I'm very proud of it.

I will also be publishing a story on my account called 'As Night Falls' which, I assure you, is so much better than this. 


That isn't a demand I promise. However, I am currently active and so if you would like to be updated on any of the above you can just drop me a message.. anywhere, I won't hesitate to answer c: I also have tumblr (an-unsuspicious-goose) that I am on daily so yeah.

Overall, thank you so much for sticking with me and sticking with my story and I seriously hope you have had a wonderful day and night and just have a wonderful life:) You're fabulous, don't forget it xD

Thank you for reading. I really mean it:)


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