Victim 18

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After about an hour of mindless wandering around and dilly daddling, I finally decided it was time to find Axel. I found his stupid self sitting on a wall of a bridge, just watching. Watching what, I didn't know. But the sun was setting and it looked beautiful and so I sat next to him.

Everything was still. It smelt like seawater and tasted like salt and I could hear my thoughts in my head and feel the calm air on my skin and it was actually nice. The bandage around my waist was barely noticeable, as was the wound that was hidden underneath.

Axel sighed and put his head in hands.

And we just sat there, for what felt like forever before Axel finally turned his head towards me and mumbled, "I'm not going to apologise."

To which I replied with, "I didn't say you needed to."

I believed that the world would be a lot simpler if an apology wasn't needed after every simple slip up. Let bigons be bigons and just shut the fuck up. Please, I'm begging you.

Axel let out a laugh, before turning to the position he was before hand. Silence settled around us again. There were no cars around here and, even in some place so far away from life, there was still life.

There was life everywhere and, for some unknown reason, I loved that.

"You know, this is the place I wanted to show you the other day. It's really something here. Peaceful and-"

"It's beautiful." I whispered. I closed my eyes, just taking the softness of the setting sun on my skin and the silence that wasn't actually silent because without my sight I could hear the birds chirping and it really was, beautiful.

"Yeah,"Axel said softly. His voice sounded relaxed. Too relaxed.

And that scared me.

"You're too soft for your own good," I snorted, before jumping off of the wall and landing softly on the tarmac behind me.

I narrowed my eyes towards the sky and then the hairs on my arms pricked up and I spun around to see Axel staring at me in horror. "Fuck," I whispered, running over to his stupid ass. He groaned in pain and stumbled forwards, before his head snapped up and his eyes focused in on me.

His bright red eyes. And this time, it wasn't just temporary. For some reason, I knew that this was the real deal.

My breathing stopped and I did the only thing my instinct told me I could do. I slammed my fist into his temple and knocked him unconscious. Oh, the wonderful powers of me. I'd realised when I first punched him that incredibly quick movements ensured that I wouldn't get any unwanted visions. I'd also bought some gloves I kept handy in my jacket pocket if I ever needed to calm his Newborn ass down. If I got a vision whilst he was completely mental then I was, quite simply, fucked.

I knew that he was going to be hungrier than ever when he awoke, but I needed him out of the public. I couldn't control a Newborn. They were too fast and too strong for me alone to detain them.

I groaned under my breath, before shoving him over my shoulder and taking him back to my lonely old apartment, praying he wouldn't wake up before I had a chance to get home.

I made sure to lock Teal and Reed away in the bathroom with the bath filled to the top with water and double lock the front door before leaving the apartment block once again, but this time to find someone I didn't actually need to find. As I was on a break, I had no main victim I needed to kill, so that meant I could find the nearest person with a dark soul, kill them and go.

And that's what I did.

Their name was Joe. They were only twenty three. And they had only ever committed one bad thing which was that poor little Joe had cheated on his girlfriend with her brother, who also happened to be called Joe. That vision was far too vivid.

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