Victim 15

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When I killed someone it didn't usually feel like I was actually killing someone, as in a person. I wasn't committing any crime, merely righting what was wrong. But that was fucked up in itself.

Killing didn't make anything better, I'd come to know. Getting revenge didn't make anything better, I'd also com to know. These two things just disguised something wrong as something right. And I'd convinced myself that it was okay; that I was doing the right thing, but I knew it wasn't. Somewhere, I knew I wasn't.

But it felt right.

And that's where I faulted.

Flynn and I had met the day I started working at the cinema. We were both thirteen. I was still getting used to the whole 'you're not really alive, but you are,' and he was still getting used to the fact that he was a teenager with needs.

I wasn't pretty, but one could say I wasn't ugly. I didn't know nor care what people thought of me, because I knew that I could snap their neck quicker than they could insult me. And I swore people knew that too. Maybe that's why I was never approached willingly in the street. It was a talent that I learnt to adore.

Anyway, the morning training session went quite well. I mean, the boss couldn't just let two kids run wild in a shop that they didn't know how to run. The session went well in the fact that neither of us had spoken to one another and so I was comfortable listening from afar and he was comfortable with the head in our boss's ass.

The boss left in the afternoon. True, we weren't actually supposed to be working at the age of thirteen, but the boss was Flynn's uncle and Devan had... Ways, to put it simply.

I was what was classed as 'mature' for my age.

So, we were alone behind a tiny counter with a till that didn't shut properly and an awkward silence that stretched for miles. The cinema wasn't popular. It was in the middle of nowhere.

And I kid you not, this thirteen year old boy with his eyes full of hormones and a head full of air turned around, puts his elbow on the counter next to him and said:

"You must be a thief, because you stole my heart from across the room." And that was the beginning of, what I liked to call, my only friendship.

I mean, after I beat the crap out of him for using such a cheesy pick-up line.


Never in my life had I felt so much sunlight all at once.

Not see. No, I felt the sunlight in my eyes before I'd even opened my lids. At that point, I realised, that I wanted to sleep again and so I closed my eyes tighter, wrapped the blanket around my body and let out a contented sigh.

I was warm.

I was happy. The sun was burning my closed eyes, but I was still happy.

And then the mattress was pulled out from underneath me and I was a mess on the floor with blankets surrounding me and hair in my face.

I groaned and rolled around for a bit, trying to find my way up, before I realised my eyes weren't actually open and I couldn't see. So I opened them and I wished I hadn't. Because Axel's grinning face was the first thing I saw. His hair was falling over his blue eyes and he was kneeling in front of me in a white button up shirt and god-

"How are you feeling?" He asked in a sing song voice as he stood up.

I put a hand to my head and rubbed my temples for a bit before actually sitting up. The world around me spun and I decided that it wasn't particularly the best option to try and move around just yet.

"How long was I out?" I asked, lifting my shirt up slightly. There was a white bandage wrapped around my lower torso and my face blanked. "You didn't take you to a hospital, did you?"

"A day and about fifteen hours and no, Devan came and patched you up. He said you had a week off of 'Karma duties' to rest. And then he wants to speak to you. Fried eggs?"

I nodded my head slowly, flashbacks of the other day coming back. And then Flynn... I growled under my breath and ripped the blankets off of my lap, before standing. Again, the room span, but I ignored it as I jogged over to the door and shoved my shoes on. Teal and Reed were curled up and asleep next to it and, I noticed, in the corner of the room there was a tiny pool.

I frowned at it slightly, before making my way out of the apartment door before Axel could notice I'd moved.


Hell was a strange place, I'd give it that.

Devan was also strange.

He sat in the corner of his office with a silver wand in one hand and a drink of milkshake in the other. He said it was because he felt unclean and that he should be punished. I thought he looked like a dick that needed a shower.  

However, I sat my butt down next to his unusual position and had the conversation I needed to have with him there, because God knows he wasn't going to move for decades.

"Axel said you needed to speak with me?"

"Axel was correct, however speaking requires effort and effort is what I don't have. I must be clean. I must be punished." He said, closing his eyes and tilting his head up to the ceiling. I shook my head and raised my eyebrows at him, before actually joining him in the silence.

It was peaceful. The air was the right temperature. I was safe. And soon enough my frail human body whisked herself off the sleep where I dreamt of nothing more of Axel's face and how beautiful it would be stab a knife through it.

When I awoke, the lights in Devan's office were back on and he was sitting at his desk with glasses perched on his nose.

He was looking at some forms.

I yawned, before making my way over to him and looking over his shoulder. They were Flynn's files. My face paled.

"You've made quite the mess for me, Chasity." He sighed and took the glasses off of his face.

Groaning, I made my way into the chair opposite him.

"When you killed the Demon's, they were transported back to Hell by the means you have, but Flynn was left because he wasn't supposed to be killed. And now they're looking for a killer that they know is you and - you see my predicament? It would be quite easy to frankly clear the minds of the people that saw you, but there were about fifteen men, my dear Chasity. And you know what that means?"

"I fucked up?"

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner!" Devan announced, with a grin on his face. He was smiling and yet I knew that he was freaking out. Because his stance wasn't as strong as it usually was and he wasn't drinking. Devan always drank.

This was worse than him telling me I was becoming a half blood.

There was something more.

Something he wasn't telling me.

I raise my eyebrows at him expectantly, too tired to actually use my words. He took in a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. "You see Chasity, there is a lot more detail to this than you think. When a Karma kills someone they're not supposed to, it's fine. We can sort it out, no problem. But when a half blood that isn't really a half blood kills someone they're not supposed to that someone-"

I put a hand through my hair.

"That someone becomes a half blood."

I royally fucked up.


i'm not that keen on this chapter. and it was hard to write and idek.

however, try and guess who the victim is in this chapter.. it's a great person.

i hope you enjoyed it though..:)

thank you for reading.


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