Victim 37 - 73 mitciV

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Phoenix's eyes widened when he realised it was me who had approached him and he jumped backwards, wincing in pain as he did so.

"Karma, leave."

I furrowed my eyebrows in response, "what, no. How could you?.."

"J-j-just go. P-please." His voice was sounding less confident as it had just moments ago and his face visibly placed, even in the dim light from the moon I could see that he was as white as a sheet of paper. His eyes darted behind me, and then back towards me. He placed his hand on his stomach, wincing again as he did so, but making no sound.

"K-karma. You need to leave and-" he stopped mid sentence, his words getting aught in his throat. His chest started moving up and down even quicker and I could literally hear his heartbeat from where I was. "Go!" He shouted at me, but after a second he growled under his breath and ran over to me, pushing me down to the ground, only seconds before a gun sound went off.

The side of my face had landed on the ground first, and blood trailed down my face.

I lifted myself off of the ground to check on Phoenix, but all I saw was his body. My eyes widened and I scrambled over to him, my heart in my throat. "Phoenix..." I trailed off as I rolled his body over. There was a bullet hole in his forehead and he laid limp in my arms.

"What the..." I said, my voice trailing off slowly.

The sounds of leaves breaking made me lift my head up and I saw Devan standing there, a gun in his hand and confidence in his step. "I hear you've been up to no good, Chasity." He said, tracing the outline of the gun with his finger.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why'd you kill Phoenix? He's done jack shit and you know it."

He shrugged his shoulders at me, before laughing. "You get attached too easily, my dear."

I growled at him, before shaking my head and pushing Phoenix off of my lap. "Time to change that then, eh?" I said, before running away. Or should I say, attempting too.

Because Axel stopped me in tracks. "What the-"

"Hell? So predictable," he said, his mouth turning into a sickening smile.

I smiled quickly at him, before bringing my knee up and slamming it against his precious jewels. "Predictable, eh?" I said, grabbing him by the hair and then bringing him up so that out noses were merely centimeters apart. "You haven't seen anything yet, sweetheart." I said, before placing a kiss on his lips, something I'd grown very fond of doing, but at that moment in time hating my actions.

I pushed him away and quickly wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Not doing that again for a day or two," I said, spinning around on my heel, only to come face to face with Devan. "Unless I die right here and now and I don't have to worry about that ever again," I said, smiling sweetly.

"I can't kill you, honey." He said, "I'm not a halfblood."

I shrugged my shoulders, "what a shame."

And just as I was about to side step him he brought the gun that killed Phoenix up and pressed the tip of it against my forehead. "This is going to hurt in the morning and, you know what? I'm not even sorry. This is for the poor guard that you killed and, also, for saying I'm a lousy kisser. Which I'm not, by the way."

Then he pulled the trigger.

- - -

this was only 605 words, however it is very much needed ;) ;) ;)

idek where i'm going with this story anymore. this is literally just improvisation. i had the last chapters planned and bam. my stupid mind decided that it would be good to add in another ten chapters into the mix, and mess everything up so now. i'm not even sure.

oh well.

life goes on.

did you like this though?:) i hope you did xD

thank you for reading!! peace.

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