Karma's back - Victim 36 - 63 mitciv - kcab s'amraK

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I woke up with frost on my body and a cramp in my neck.

It was such a nice way to wake up after such a brilliant night. I mean, sure I probably looked like someone off of a horror movie, but at least I didn't feel like someone off of a horror movie. I didn't really feel anything, apart from an emptiness in my chest and something warm on my stomach.

I opened an eye to see what it was (or who it was) and, to my surprise, it was a dog soundly sleeping curled up next to me. It had fairly old brown fur with bits of grey covering various parts of it's body. It was snoring softly under it's breath and I'd never really found dogs that pleasing, but this one just looked too cute.

Smiling, I stroked it's fur, accidentally waking him up in the process. I sat up when he jumped up, putting my hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I said, to which the dog just cocked it's head to the side, trying to understands me.

I smiled, not out of happiness, but just to say that I wasn't going to hurt him. "Come here, boy," I said, and he obeyed, walking towards me with his head bowed. And as my hand touched his fur I knew in that instant he was mine and I grinned, pulling his head back so that I could look at him properly.

"Cato," I said. "Because you look wise and Cato means wise so I am assuming that's a pretty good mix, don't you?"

He responded by nudging my arm, getting me to stroke him more. I rubbed his head and then brought my mouth down to his ear. "We're going on an adventure." I whispered, my eyes slowly moving to the person who I could see walking down the path.

My inner Karma was telling me that her soul wasn't pure and I wanted to laugh. Even though I wasn't technically Karma anymore, I still had the ability to tell a pure soul from an impure one and this ladies certainly wasn't pure, and I didn't even care why.

All I knew was that I wanted to rip her eyes out and make her pay for her sins.

I patted the dogs side, before telling him to wait where he was.

Now, I may have looked like someone out of a horror movie, but I didn't feel like someone out of a horror movie. And it may have been rude of me to tell the person with an impure soul and really bad hair that she had an impure soul and really bad hair. I don't think she appreciated it either, because she responded to me by showing me her middle finger and then trying to side step me.

Which I blocked.

Point one to Karma, zero points for impure soul lady, who happened to have really bad hair.

She threw her arms in the air before huffing. "Look, I'm really not in the mood for this. I've had a rough night and need to get home, now let me leave."

I frowned at her and then pointed to my face. "Honey, if you think your night was bad, take a look at this. I haven't even had time to moisturise this morning, because I have to deal with rude people like you." I brought my wrist up and looked at my invisible watch on my arm. "Oh look at the time," I said, before grinning at her.

"Sorry about this, things to see, people to kill, wish I could make it more painful." And with that I drew my nail across her throat with as much force as I could, which happened to be a lot. Crimson covered her clothes, and my white top, creating cool little red spots all over it. I shook my head as she fell limply to the ground, and then drew some of the damp blood up from the floor on my fingers. Cato was still waiting by my grave and I held the bloody finger up. "We can leave in a sec," I said, before using my the blood and writing underneath the message written.

'Come at me, sweetheart.'

- - -

After raiding the woman's handbag I found exactly three pounds and seventy-four pence, a packet of gum, some cigarettes, two lighters and a pack of wipes. I quickly washed my face with the wipes and then threw them on the woman, before pocketing everything a walking away with a skip in my step - Cato one step behind me.

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