Victim 14

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I wasn't a murderer.

A killer, sure.

Murderer? No chance.

And I was remembering little snippets of my past. Like how I would ride the tube by myself, even though I was the height of a six year old. And how I would always eat my food separately.

Actually, I wasn't sure whether or not that was my past because I couldn't remember anything about my past and the person I was constantly seeing in my dreams had those cute little blonde ringlets where as I. I had dark brown hair.

So it couldn't have been me.

I wasn't a murderer.

I wasn't human.

I wasn't an animal.

I wasn't anything.

But I was standing behind a cash register with a stupid fucking hat on my head with Flynn the talking tulip next to me. I'd never heard someone talk about a girl so much in my life and, at that moment in time, I wanted to rip every single one of his ginger hairs out of his head one by one.

"And we ate ice-cream-" I pushed up the popcorn maker lid - which was surprsingly big - and scooped some hot popcorn into a cardboard box. "And even the way she ate ice-cream was hot and-"

I spun around to look at him and put on the sickest smile I could muster. "Flynn, honey," I whacked my hand across his head. "Shut the fuck up."

He pouted at me, "but I hadn't even got to the best part."

I gave a 'what the fuck' look whilst munching on my popcorn. The crunch broke up the awkward silence in the room and I had to stop myself from applauding my great thinking. That'd be classed as weird.

When I was about half way through my box, I got a bored and decided to see how long I had until my shift ended. I squinted my eyes at the clock and, as my mind clocked - great pun - what the time was, my jaw almost droped to the ground. "Dude, how come we've had no customers for four and a half fucking hours?!"

I furrowed my eyebrows, walking towards the clock and tapping it. It didn't budge. A cold feeling settled in my stomach and I turned towards Flynn who was just getting his phone out of his pocket. He nodded his head and confirmed that we had, actually, gone four and a half hours without any customers.

Flynn snorted, "boss is going to be mad."

But that was the last thing on my mind. Because the open sign had been turned around and so that 'closed' was showing out the window. And none of us had done that.

I hiccuped. "Flynn, I need water."

He raised an eyebrow at me, but walked away to go and fetch me some anyway. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Sometimes that boy could be incredibly naive, however, in this situation, it came in handy.

As soon as his back was facing my way and he'd turned the corner, there was movement from the far side of the shop.

Cameron emerged from the shadows with a sick grin on his face. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that he couldn't do any harm to me and also knowing that I could do as much harm to him as my cold heart desired.

"What's up crooked nose?" I said casually, trying not to show the fact that I was actually incredibly scared. I walked around the counter and crossed my arms across my chest. The lobby wasn't that big. It was basically the size of an average shop, but it wasn't a very popular cinema so it didn't need a big lobby. Just enough space for the popcorn machine and a cash register.

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