Victim 30

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I was strong, I knew that.

But without oxygen, I was like a fish out of water. And my hands clawed at her own and I really did try to get out of her grip, but soon enough the oxygen started to run out and I just wanted to stay calm. I just tried to stay calm. But that was hard, considering acting cool in situations where I could possibly die was not one of my fortes. I mean, I had died already.

And I killed people to stay alive.

And now someone else was trying to kill me. My own blood was trying to kill me.

Death just followed me around, which was weird because I just assumed he sat at a desk all day drinking Whiskey and playing darts.

The plan was to try and stay calm until I blacked out. Try.

I knew she couldn't kill me, because I was already dead. I was killed along time ago. And I was fairly sure a human wouldn't be able to kill a halfblood, because we were stronger. But Devan's voice was back and he was like a whisper in the corner of my brain reminding me there was another way.

Another way. A way I didn't know about. And if the other way wasn't a human killing you, it had to be something else. It could've been suffocation. It could've been a gun wound.

It could've been my past. And, if that was the case, I was fucking paying for it now.

A tear slipped down my cheek as I realised I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to leave when I died the first time and I didn't want to leave now. I needed to know how Axel was. I needed to know he wasn't dead. I needed to know my past. I couldn't die not knowing those two things.

But I was running out of time and all I could see was her face. Her fucking face. She was destruction and she was ruining me.

Black spots filled my vision and I tried one more time. I kicked my legs and I tore my fingers into hers, but nothing worked, it only seemed to fuel her joy, the fact that I was struggling.

So, for the first time in my life, I gave up.

My arms were resting at my sides and her grip tightened around my throat as the grin on her face widened. I couldn't help but notice the happiness the was circling in her eyes and the power that was radiating from her.

"It was so fun building you Chasity," she said, the grip tightening more. "But the best part is this. Tearing you back down so that I can laugh at your remains." Her voice was like ice and her touch was cold. There was something running through my veins and I couldn't pinpoint what it was. It was the opposite of everything I felt and that killed a part of me on the inside.

This person in front of me was my mother. She was my mother.

And, as my eyes started to close, I swore that that was the end. I was a halfblood, yes, and the only thing that I knew could kill a halfblood was another halfblood. But, maybe, this could kill us too. The feeling of betrayal as your own flesh and blood takes your life.

The only thing I could see now was black and my legs kicked but I didn't physically feel like I was fighting it off. And I didn't feel myself falling to the ground until my head hit a tree branch and I was gasping for air.

I clutched at my throat and breathed in for the first time in what felt like forever, even though it was only a few minutes. It felt fresh and crisp and it was beautiful.

There was a someone shouting next to me, but their words were muffled. It was like I was under water. I could hear someone, but I couldn't make out the words. It was foggy and only as I forced my eyes back open did I realise what had happened.

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