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Okay, I don't know if any of you guys still have this on your reading list's or in your library or anything, but I've decided to enter this in the 1D_Fanfiction_Awards and I also wanted to thank you for getting me to 5,000 READS! But, if you do still have this on your list, I thank you, and I wanted to inform you.

I realize now I will most likely not get many more votes on this story, but I would still like to ask you guys to please share this story if you liked it.

I'm entering in the One Direction catagory.

Thank you guys, I just felt the need to share it...and I'm entering THIS and not the sequel (Fairy Tales Are Over) so...ya.

Anyways, again, thank you for the 5,000 reads! Actually it's 5,214 but ya.



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