"I have a little headache but it's not too bad. How about you, sleep well?" I asked already knowing he didn't have any sleep. His car might be comfortable but it wasn't comfortable enough to spend the night in.

"It wasn't too bad." He shrugged it off.

"The Benz is comfy?" I asked smirking.

"Oh you caught me?" He chuckled a little awkward, "Yeah well I couldn't really leave you alone after what happened, could I?"

"Aw, my little guarding angel." I cooed.

"Think you meant super hearo, eh?" He said cockily.

"Nah, you are too much of a boo bear to be a super hero." I teased him.

"Oh come on, did you not see me kick Eric's arse? That's super hero moves right there." He whined making me chuckle.

"Alright then Mr. super hero. Come up, I'll make you a hero's worthy breakfast to make up for your sleepless night."


After about an hour of fooling around, eating breakfast, getting a million call from my mother telling us to get to York already, a three-hour worth of fighting over songs, playing some car-plates games which I suck at, another million call from my mother asking us where we were at and eating about three packs of gummy bears we finally made it to Yorkshire.

"Finally!" My mother screeched in excitement once she opened the door for us.

"We aren't that late, mom." I rolled my eyes.

"It's almost 5P.M, Maggie." She glared at me for a second then went to greet her favorite soon to be son in law, "You look lovely with the beard."

"Thanks Kendra. You look as beautiful as ever." He smiled at her that million dollar smile.

"Aw, aren't you just a charmer." My mother cooed, her hand hanging on Zayn's arm as he accompanied her to the kitchen with me not far behind.

Walking inside, I noticed my father reading a book in the living room. I went there to say hey. Even though my father and I weren't really close, lately I've felt a lot more comfortable around him. I even think I missed him.

"Hey," I smiled once he noticed I was there.

"Hey stranger." He smiled kindly at me. "How are you? Your mother told me of yesterday's events."

"I'm good. I thought I would be a little shaken up but I'm actually fine." I shrugged.

"Good. You are stronger than you think." He smiled widely at me giving me a sense of pride I never felt before. Just his simple sentence gave me this feeling that I always wished I felt from him.

Smiling at him, I stood there for a while just blessed and at loss for words. This was a rare moment between my father and I, and to be honest I wanted to freeze it and keep it with me forever.

"Maggie! Zayn tell me you two didn't bring wedding clothes." I heard my mother's voice calling from the kitchen. The wedding, ugh she was so persistent and annoying when she sat her mind to something.

Rolling my eyes, I shouted back my answer to her, "We aren't going mom."

Hearing her footsteps come from the kitchen, I noticed my dad shaking his and collecting his book before leaving me to deal with an angry mother, "What do you mean you are not going? You promised!"

"I'm tired mom." I sighed trying to get out of this. "I promised to come to York but I can't deal with the wedding. I'm too drained from yesterday." I tried to make her motherly guilt appear.

"On the contrary, going to that wedding would make you loosen up. You had a horrible experience yesterday but the only way to shake it out of your system is to go party." My mother insisted.

"No mom, I don't have enough energy." I whined not really thinking of a better excuse.

"You are making up excuses!" My mother protested seeming to catch on my lie, "What did I do to deserve such hard family. I never ask anything from any of you. The one time I ask we attend a social event as a family, you are all making excuses. No other woman in York shire has to beg her family to go to a wedding." She wailed exaggeratedly being extra dramatic while speaking every word.

That was her attempt to guilt us into coming with her to the Ibrahim's wedding and so far it was working.

"Mom," I tried to talk to her and make her a little less dramatic.

"Don't talk to me. You all can't do me this simple favor." She continued her parade making me sigh in defeat.

"I don't have anything to wear. And Zayn he wasn't invited." I said holding on to the last bit of argument I had.

"You can take Ella's other dress. She bought two because she was indecisive. And as for Zayn, I think he can fit in Saeed's old suit." My mother beamed hurriedly going inside to retrieve the pieces of clothes she had described just now.

Looking at Zayn, I gave him an apologetic smile hating the fact that he was dragged into this with me.

He mouthed an 'It's okay' as my mother appeared back with the suit and dress in her hands. "Zayn, go into my room and try this one." She gave him a dark blue suit that looked classic. That color was not so in right now but nonetheless it looked nice. "And Maggie, you go try this on." She gave me a creamy dress.

Taking the dress, I went to my room and tried it on. To my surprise, it was very long and elegant. Tight in the chest area but the see-through layer of chevon that had just a tiny twinkle of silver glitter all through the neck and chest area. That elegant fabric extended to cover my arms and neck. Only problem was it was see through.

Not wanting to be any more problematic to my mother, I decided I should just cover it up with a tight body-hugging shirt that cover my whole upper body. And being under that creamy fabric it looked just a tad bit odd due to the color difference between the white shirt and creamy dress but you had to look really hard to notice.

The only problem facing me now was finding a scarf that goes on with my outfit. I search my whole closet trying to see if I had left a creamy scarf here or there but I found nothing.

Hearing a knock on my door distracted me for a second but I kept searching for something to cover my hair with while I mumbled a come in.

"Hey," I heard Ella's faint voice finally grapping my full attention. "You look beautiful." She smiled once she saw my whole outfit.

"Thanks." I smiled looking at her. She was wearing a long navy blue dress the hugged her body tight on the upper part as well. Its sleeves were two thirds which I found odd but I didn't really mind as she looked really beautiful.

Extending her arm, I noticed she had something in her hand that looked familiar. My scarf that I gave her when she visited Zayn's family. "I was going to wear it as neck scarf in the wedding with this dress but I think you need it more." She smiled widely at me giving me the scarf back.

"Thanks, I was actually trying to find a scarf to match this." I smiled as she nodded as if saying you are welcome. She was about to leave me get ready when I stopped her, "Ella?"

"Hm?" She stopped just before opening the door.

"Eric came by my house yesterday." Once the words left my moth I saw her eyes widen as all color in her face was drained.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now