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Draco normally dreaded Snape's class. He knew he was one of Snape's favorite students, but that didn't stop Professor Snape from embarrassing Draco from time to time. But for some reason having Hermione as his partner made it a lot more enjoyable. He was able to tease her, while she would tease him back. "Mr. Malfoy please stop making googley eyes at Miss. Granger and get to work." Snape snapped. He could hear sniggers coming from the table to his right. "Shut up Wesley! You too, Potter!" Draco hissed, earning an elbow to the stomach from Hermione.

It was finally lunch, and Draco and Hermione were sat at their usual table. Draco found it amusing to watch her work. The way she would run her fingers through her hair when she was frustrated, or the way she would bite her lip when she was deep in thought just seemed so interesting to Malfoy. He couldn't help but stare. "If you're not going to write any notes down, can you at least get a few more books about potions?" Hermione asked, glaring at the Slytherin. "Whatever you say, Granger." He smirked, as he got up to retrieve a few more books. Hermione took this time to relax a bit. She was up all night reading, she could really use the sleep. But Draco would probably use this moment to prank her, so she dared not to.

Draco seemed to be taking his precious time. Hermione couldn't help think that maybe she could rest her eyes for just a minute. She closed the book that was laid out in front of her and crossed her arms over the book. She laid her head on the side, and closed her eyes. She eventually dozed off, with the only sound that could be heard was her quiet breathing. "Granger, I've got some more books." Draco called out, with about 5 books in hand. "Granger! Granger?" He said, approaching the girl. He laid the books down onto the table and leaned next to her. He carefully took the strand of hair that was in her face and tucked it behind her ear. This was the perfect time to prank her, and he knew it. But quickly fought against it, and decided not to. He let her sleep, knowing that she was tired because of the slightly visible bags under her eyes. But he couldn't help but look at her in awe. She was so quiet when she slept and reminded him of a small child.

He started to read some of the books laid out and actually taking notes, until he noticed Hermione starting to mumble. Her brow was furrowed and she slightly shook. "No. Please don't." She mumbled in her sleep. "Are you alright, Granger?" He asked, putting his book down. "Don't. I'll do anything. Please don't hurt them." She said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "No. I don't care that he's called me a mud blood, just don't kill him...please." Draco's cheeks turned a shade of bright red. Was she talking about him? But his thoughts were interrupted by Hermione gasping for air. "Granger! Wake up! It's just dream!" Malfoy shouted, shaking her.

She suddenly woke up, with panic and fear in her eyes. "Are you okay?" Draco asked, knowing it was a stupid question. "No." She said, in barely a whisper. "What happened?" He asked, scooting closer to her. But she just shook her head, more tears flowing down her cheeks. "I-I gotta g-go." She stuttered, grabbing her stuff and running out of the library. Draco ran after her, but not able to follow her after she runs into the girl's bathroom. He sighed and walked back to the library to retreat his stuff.
During dinner, Draco couldn't help.but notice how close Hermione was sitting next to Ron. He had his arm wrapped around her shoulder, and her arms were around his waist. He couldn't help but feel a drop of jealousy. He sat closer, to try to catch a bit of what they were saying.

"Another nightmare?" Ron asked. Hermione nodded, wiping her eyes. "Has anything else changed?" Ron asked. Hermione was hesitant to tell Ron that Draco was suddenly part of it, but he was her friend so she decided she had to. "Well... After you die, there's someone else..." Hermione says. "Who?" Ron asks.

Before he can hear what Hermione says someone taps me on the shoulder. It was Crabbe. "What the hell do you want?" Draco asks, annoyed "Mind if I sit?" Crabbe asks. "Why? Why don't you go back with Goyle." The blonde boy hissed. "He's being an arse, alright. Thinks he's invincible just 'cause he's got Pansy." Goyle huffed. It did feel kind of nice to have to have Crabbe back. He could at least complain about Potter and Goyle with him now. "Alright you can sit, just don't say anything dumb." Draco said, with a slight smile.

Night came and Hermione silently walked to Snapes room. Draco was already there, messing around with things set on top of Snapes desk. He looked up at her, and noticed that she seemed a bit better but not by much. "Ok, lets begin." She said, in a shaky voice. "Are you sure you're alright?" Draco asked. He had asked her this in the hallways, just after dinner. "I'm fine, Malfoy." Her voice slightly cracking. "Come here, we're on page 826." She said, calling him over. Draco stood next to her, their arms touching.

While Hermione was reading out the excerpts, Draco couldn't help but see how scared Hermione looked. She would occasionally look at the door, expecting something terrible to happen. "Then add a single phoenix wing..." She started, but was cut off, by Draco pulling her in for an embrace. He was surprised as she was, he never imagine willingly hugging Hermione Granger. "I know you say you're fine, but I know you're not. What's going in that head of yours. And I know it's something about your little nightmares." Draco said, surprising himself even more. "You're going to say it's stupid." She said into Draco's chest. "You didn't judge me, I'm not going to judge you." He said. "...ok. So, every now and then I get this weird nightmare...first it'll be pitch black and I'll have this feeling that I'm falling. All of a sudden a door will open up in front of me and my parents will be there. But they get murdered in front of me, and I can't do anything about it. I can't scream. I can't run. I can't even close my eyes." She said, starting to cry again. Draco rubs her back, attempting to soothe her. "Then the same thing happens to Harry. Then Ron. And" She said, looking up at me. So, I was right she was talking about me in her sleep. "But I don't understand, I thought I had this to show me everyone I really care about...but I guess I was wrong." She said. She wiped her eyes and Draco finally pulled away. "Oh, I'm sorry for that." She said, pointing to the Slytherins shirt. It was wet with tears, but he didn't mind. "It's fine. I guess we should get going. It's starting to get late." Draco said. "Oh yeah of course." Hermione said, "By the way thank you for that...Draco." Hermione said, and hurried out the door. "No problem...Hermione."

A/N: Augh so cute! I ship Dramione so much, my fan girl heart sometimes can't take it! Anyways, hope you lied the new chapter!

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